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  • CTW Promotors

Everyone should be honest on this forum, after all this is what a forum is all about, everyones personal views about certain things, why should people be scared of saying what the [censored] they think just because someone else dont like it!


Anyway, I'm gonna start the ball rolling with the most talked about subject I reckon so far when talking to people in general! Unfortunately in London as James has discovered as well we have whats known as BOUNCERS / DOORMEN / SECRUTIY / WANKERS etc!


Firstly, why the [censored] do these pricks have to walk around with stupid poxy earsets on! Does it make you think you're hard? Do you see anyone anywhere else around the country wearing them? NO! I mean, where the [censored] do they think they are - Afghanistan?


So why do they wear them? TO IMPRESS SILLY LITTLE SCHOOLGIRLS BARELY OUT OF THEIR NAPPIES! If it aint them its silly girls that have no more than half a brain who seem to think they're special coz a bouncer / twat pays them attention! This in turn gives the girl a stinking attitude prancing around the club thinking they own the place coz they know one of the bouncers! Hahahahahaha [Laugh] , hi girls, wake up and smell the coffee, it makes you [censored] laugh!! They stand outside these places as if they're looking after Queen, to be honest I dont think they know how [censored] stupid they look standing there! Naming and shaming these clubs with bouncers is a must from now on and I'm gonna start with these first.......


And before anyone gives me [censored] for saying this or wants to say I have a personal vendetta against them, well think again coz I can name as many clubs with DECENT bouncers, ie, Gatecrasher at the NEC, okay they didn't let us in with the camera but they weren't rude about it, Garlands in Liverpool, I've never had someone apologise for because they have to do a search, The Honey Club in Brighton, the most friendliest guys you could meet! But these below take the piss..............


TIGER TIGER - Piccadily Circus!

HIPPODROME - Leicester Square!

SOUND - Leicester Square!

THE SHANNON - Seven Kings, Essex!

TIME & ENVY - Romford, Essex!

YATES'S - Romford, Essex!

BUZZ BAR - Leicester Square!

THE WORX - Birmingham


I've also been told about many more from people but I like to name the ones where I've had personal experiences myself!


[ 23 April 2002, 12:35: Message edited by: CreamyC ]

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW Admin

Creamy - I think we need to be careful about taring all bouncers with the same brush - there are some very good security firms out there and not all clubs have bad bouncers - perhaps re-phrase the subject ??! I dont fancy going home to a trashed house!!


James [smileJap]

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Vast majority are arseholes , but you do get the odd few who are pretty safe. Tends to be the peado's who think theyre the badmen.


But in general theyre turds to put it nicely.

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
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  • CTW Members

I don't mind if they're pervs as long as they let me in the club, LOL [Razz][Wink][King][MultiColour]

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  • CTW Promotors

Okay, I'll go as far as re-phrasing the subjest heading but thats about it!


As I've said though, there are quite a few good firms out there, the ones I've named are just a drop in the ocean! I'm sure there are loads of decent ones out there!!!!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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