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thanks whizzer. check is in the mail [Happy]



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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Ok a few of my recent dreams, I would like it if they were interpreted....I have weird dreams by the way so you've been warned!


I had a dream I worked in a shop with another guy who used to be a friend. This little girl came in looking for someone who worked in the shop but for some reason I lied and said he wasnt their when he was then she asked for the former friend but she didn't call him by his name something slightly diffrent. I let her speak to him then some time later he was sent a txt message and it was from the little girl who he said was now his girlfriend. Everyone laughed at him and took the piss and that was it.

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Thanx Whizzer, that seems to spookily make sense!

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My dream last night was that my Ex came round and the flat was messy! More than untidy! unruly! And I told him this only 10 mins ago:


[ My . Sweet . Fracture ] says:

i had a fuckin awful dream last nite


[ My . Sweet . Fracture ] says:

i dreamt that u came round n the flat was really



Pretty Fly Guy says:



Pretty Fly Guy says:

oh how fuckin awful lol


[ My . Sweet . Fracture ] says:

it was awful! not as bad as ur room tho!


Pretty Fly Guy says:



[ 02 August 2002, 05:14: Message edited by: Kenikia ]

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Originally posted by SteveW2k1:

Ok a few of my recent dreams, I would like it if they were interpreted....I have weird dreams by the way so you've been warned!


I had a dream I worked in a shop with another guy who used to be a friend. This little girl came in looking for someone who worked in the shop but for some reason I lied and said he wasnt their when he was then she asked for the former friend but she didn't call him by his name something slightly diffrent. I let her speak to him then some time later he was sent a txt message and it was from the little girl who he said was now his girlfriend. Everyone laughed at him and took the piss and that was it.

Right. The former friend is you. It's the part of you that comes to the fore in sexual relationships - that is, whenever you chat up a woman it is the 'former friend' who is making most of the running. By placing the onus on this part of your personality you are able to distance yourself from the possibility of rejection and the fear of having people take the piss like they do in the dream. (BTW don't worry that the object of your desire appears to be a little girl, there's nothing sinister in that, it just means that you developed this characteristic during your youth (probably adolescence). She doesn't ask for him by name, because it's not him she's after, it's actually you (or a 'man' in general and you happen to fit the bill).


The other colleague who you deny is there is probably another aspect of your personality that you don't want to reveal just yet, given that you've only just met this girl - perhaps a softer, or maybe a darker, side.

All shall be well, all shall be well and all manner of things... shall be well.

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What does it mean when you dream that your teeth fall out?? It was horrible.

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It's a fairly simple one. The room is not literal, instead it is representative of your life/head/soul right now. Being in a relationship brings order to a person's life, even if the relationship sucks there is a clear routine and we feel we are at least partly complete. When we come out of a relationship things become unordered and disorganised. This is not necessarily a bad thing - who wants to be anal and tidy all the time? However, we can't help but fear that we have thrown away something very central to us. Your dream is a common concern that your ex is having a better time now he is single than you are and is in a position to judge the chaos that is your life. In reality, he is probably having similar dreams. You both need to embrace your new found freedom and revel in your own (metaphorical) slovenliness. The little patches of chaos in between all the order are the things that define us as people. [Happy]

All shall be well, all shall be well and all manner of things... shall be well.

  • CTW Members


Originally posted by 'C':

What does it mean when you dream that your teeth fall out?? It was horrible.

You need to brush your teeth more [Wink]


Just kidding. It's a slightly morbid thing. It represents the realisation, which we all have from time to time, of your own mortality. Teeth are a sign of vitality and virilty. Man as a hunter would be judged by his physical prowess. Our sense of self-worth is therefore closely linked to our sense of physical capability. It is necessary for us all to have moments of vulnerability otherwise we would all think we are going to live forever and never get anything done. Our awareness of our finite lives encourages us to achieve new goals. The pain, indiginty and inconvenience of old age will come to us all, but not for some time yet. Make the most of life in the meantime. [Happy]

All shall be well, all shall be well and all manner of things... shall be well.

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Originally posted by Kenikia:

thanks whizz! i guess that does make sense

Im so nervous for him actually coming round tho!!

Don't go getting literal on me now! [Wink] I only deal in metaphors! Next you'll be telling me that your flat really is messy.

All shall be well, all shall be well and all manner of things... shall be well.

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Last night i dreamt:


It started with me sitting in one of the halls of my secondary school. Something i havent thought about for years. Seconds later my mate walked in wearing just his pants ... but it seemed perfectly normal.


After that people were streaming in thru all the doors. In the dream they were all family members, exept for the fact that some were people i didnt even know. Rio Ferdinand was there too ... he was my cousin or something [Freaked Out] Anyway. They were all my family ... even if i had no idea who they were.


So anyway ... by this time there are about 100 people in this little hall ... all representing my family.


My sister began painting purple circles all over the walls in a daytime-tv-house-makeover kinda way while another group started playing a piano. While this was happening Rio Ferdinand was pretending to be a security guard...


After a little while my Auntie (One of the few family members present that was a real family member) mentioned the word "boredom" and when i heard it i totally freaked out, screamed something about having no money and ran outside.




I honestly dreamed that last night ... and im off work ill today. Could there be a link?


Any ideas? [Well Happy]

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Thanks Whizzer [Well Happy][Wink]

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Lazy, your dream suggests you might just be living up to your name today!


The setting - school - speaks of a distant time when the worries of work were a long way away and you could just spend your hours having fun. The presence of family members actually represents future prosperity, as do the purple rings. Subconciously you are suggesting that you may be due some form of financial windfall in the near future. Your proclomation of having no money is a more concious denial of this idea - you don't think you believe things are about to look up, but beneath the surface you are conviced of it. Moreover, this new found prosperity is likely, you believe, to be tied to your creativity.


All of these factors may well have combined to make you miss work today - the memory of a carefree age, the belief that you are about to come into money and the belief that you are destined for something more creative. Your 'ilness' is, I'm afraid, quite probably psychosomatic. [shocked]


Interesting dream.

All shall be well, all shall be well and all manner of things... shall be well.

  • CTW Members

Excellent. Cheers for that [Well Happy]


Where does the mate in pants, Rio Ferdinand pretending to be security, and the importance of the word that freaked me out (boredom) come into it?


Is all that just glossy wierdness or does it mean anything? [Happy]

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