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Originally posted by Lazy:

Excellent. Cheers for that
[Well Happy]


Where does the mate in pants, Rio Ferdinand pretending to be security, and the importance of the word that freaked me out (boredom) come into it?


Is all that just glossy wierdness or does it mean anything?

The boredom thing is tied up with your desire to be more creative and carefree - you feel stuck in a rut. The near naked friend might represent you baring yourself to your subconcious emotions. And Rio is probably something you aspire to - i.e. he ahs the money and the creativity, he is paid for doing something he loves. His appearance as a security guard may represent your fear of branching out and throwing caution to the wind in pursuit of your dreams.

All shall be well, all shall be well and all manner of things... shall be well.

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i'm lucky i can nearly always remember my dreams and suprisingly i like my horror ones [Well Happy][Well Happy]


Anyway this one i had recently. tis a bit strange but it was good fun.


I dreamt that i was in WW2 and the Overlord operation (D-Day) and i was running across while being shot at and people will blowing up and dieing all around. Then it skips to being in the trench and chasing after germans and shooting them.


that's that rapped up now for this one


This one was strange again


I was on a boat with some friends that i knew and we dived into the water and swam to these rocks in the middle of the sea and stood on them i remember being scared of sharks, but which turned out to be dolphins and trying to hitch a ride with them by catching there dorsal fin. Then climbing onto the boat as the rocks had sunk and hanging onto the side of the boar at the front ready to dive onto a dolphin and catch the ride.


ok this one did kinda scare me.


I dreamt i was at the funeral of my g'f and everyone was there paying there respects and i was in my PJ shorts. and i hugged both her parents and went to see her body in the coffin and it wasn't her, it was some kinda of egyption thing.


that one did kinda freak me out.

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Originally posted by Scream:



I was on a boat with some friends that i knew and we dived into the water and swam to these rocks in the middle of the sea and stood on them i remember being scared of sharks, but which turned out to be dolphins and trying to hitch a ride with them by catching there dorsal fin. Then climbing onto the boat as the rocks had sunk and hanging onto the side of the boar at the front ready to dive onto a dolphin and catch the ride.


Nice one this. Rocks represent a source of strength. The fact that you and your friends went searching for this source together suggests that you have a very strong relationship. [GroupHug]


The sharks you fear represent something threatening you. The fact that they turn out to be dolphins is very positive - by facing up to your fears with the knowledge that you have support from your mates you have managed to neutralise them. In the end, you are even prepared to get in the water and swim with the sharks/dolphins because they hold no fear for you anymore. The sinking of the rock also suggest that you no longer need to search for a source of strength - you guys already have it!


The boat itself represents a movement across a depth of feelings and suggests that you feel confident of attaining your goal in life as long as you retain your close ties with your friends.


All in all, something of a warm and fuzzy moment! [Hearts][Hearts][Hearts]

All shall be well, all shall be well and all manner of things... shall be well.

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that's pretty damn wikid that is.


could you tell me about the death one as i wouldn't mind that one.


the killing of people i think is just a random dream although i do get a lot based around WW2 stuff, hmmmmmm strange!!

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Originally posted by Scream:


I dreamt i was at the funeral of my g'f and everyone was there paying there respects and i was in my PJ shorts. and i hugged both her parents and went to see her body in the coffin and it wasn't her, it was some kinda of egyption thing.


that one did kinda freak me out.

Quite a tricky one this. Funerals generally (and rather logically) signify the ending of something. Specific references to coffins suggest that the matter which is being put to bed has been unpleasant.


In this instance I'd be tempted to say it was the end of your relationship, but I'm assuming this is not the case. Instead, what it might be is the end of your resistance to something in the relationship. The fact that you are nearly naked suggests extreme vulnerability, yet you are able to embrace your g/f's parents in this state. You seem to be saying that you are willing now to give yourself completely to the relationship and everything that comes with it. Is there something perhaps which your girlfriend has constantly nagged you about, which you are now prepared to compromise on? [Kiss]


The Egyptian artefact is something of a red herring - probably just your mind's way of sparing you the sight of your g/f laid out in the coffin. Given that the dream is not literally about death there is no need for your brain to acknowledge such a thought.

All shall be well, all shall be well and all manner of things... shall be well.

  • CTW Members

aye what was strange as in the coffin was like this head casket (don't know if i spelt that) also the skin was like scales but lookin at it, it wasn't her. strange i know.


But strangely after that dream something did seem to flow, like there was no blocking. There was some naggin that has stopped, lol [Well Happy][Well Happy][Kiss][Kiss]


I can't believe how spot on you are. That's pretty damn good. What about my ones relating to WW2, i get [censored] loads of those, almost 2 a week. And there pretty much the same. [Confused]


[ 02 August 2002, 15:04: Message edited by: Scream ]

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I had a dream about Magic, a fellow clubber! He was arguing before a court with some other guy, have no clue what about. He and I were chatting the other day on MSN and he snapped a picture of himself and emailed it to me. This is why I think I had the dream, because his face was fresh in my memory!


Funny, I usually remember all of my dreams when I wake up.

I am NOT a dj

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When I was younger I used to dream that I could fly. Down the stairs, off the roof etc. Funny thing is that I was scared of heights!!


Watching too many Peter Pan movies I suppose!! [Happy]

I am NOT a dj

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or you were experimenting with mind altering drugs [Freaked Out][Freaked Out][angel]

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No, but that would be pretty cool wouldn't it!! [Freaked Out][Happy]

I am NOT a dj

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No, but that would be pretty cool wouldn't it!! [Freaked Out][Happy]

I am NOT a dj

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I liked the interpretation Wizzer can you tell me what some of these mean.


I had a dream the other nite after coming home from clubbing that I was in the club I'd just been to ad was so drunk I fell down the stairs but the thing was I couldn't get back up again no matter how hard I tried. Then I started geting really worried that the bouncers would see me and throw me out but I still couldn't get up.


Another dream I had was me and two friends were outside my old school but I thought it was my current school. I found a winning ring pull on a coke can and my mate stole it from me, I wasn't all that bothered and we started walking along a street where we saw a group of people. We rushed over to see what was happening and someone said Michael Jackson was performing live, then suddenly a band I like burst onto stage and started performing one of their songs but with diffrent words and all band members were dressed in white protective suits. Then I woke up!

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Originally posted by Whizzer:


Originally posted by Lazy:

Excellent. Cheers for that
[Well Happy]


Where does the mate in pants, Rio Ferdinand pretending to be security, and the importance of the word that freaked me out (boredom) come into it?


Is all that just glossy wierdness or does it mean anything?

The boredom thing is tied up with your desire to be more creative and carefree - you feel stuck in a rut. The near naked friend might represent you baring yourself to your subconcious emotions. And Rio is probably something you aspire to - i.e. he ahs the money and the creativity, he is paid for doing something he loves. His appearance as a security guard may represent your fear of branching out and throwing caution to the wind in pursuit of your dreams.

You're good! Cheers for the insights [Happy]
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Right...here's one for ya (i very rarely remember them, especially not all of them) Im gonna give u as much detail as i can!!


Right, it was set in the grounds of my old high school and there were lions (male ones) and we were told just to walk past them cos they'd been fed and it was ok to do so, then it kinda went a bit weird cos my mum was living in the building (kinda like the school but not quite) and she had cats (has 6 in real life too) and everything was going ok til i realised that the cats could get eaten by the lions cos they went out so i started panicking and trying to get them all in and keep the windows and doors shut...then Sarah PVC appeared [Confused] and i was telling her about my concerns for the cats and she told me it was ok so long as the lions were kept well fed, she then wanted to do somethin=g (i cant remember what) but i said no cos of the lions and the cats so she decided to leave (not very happy cos id stopped her doin something) then i looked out of the window and saw a human version of one of my mums cats with a big blonde curly wig on (i know it was def a human version of my mums cat for some reason) and they were sat on the grass and i could see a lion approaching very slowly (as if gonna attack) and i tried to get it to move but i couldnt, anyway the lion got em in its mouth and tried to drag it away but the "person" got away after kicking around for a bit but the lion ended up ripping the wig off and then going again for the "person" so another person (i dont know who they just appeared) got a shotgun out and shot at it!!


Thats all i really remember, sorry if i went on and made no sense at all, but that was how my dream went



[ 03 August 2002, 10:45: Message edited by: Claire DC ]

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
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