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I can't remember much about my dream last night, but I can recall one theme that was constant throughout. I wear a sterling silver ring that my girlfriend and I bought each other at the same time, that has a very faintly visible join in the metal.

During the course of the dream, I remember that the ring started to come apart at the seam, and that I was rushing about doing whatever was going on in my dream, with one hand one the ring at all times trying to hold it together, but as the dream went on, no matter how hard I tried, the ring kept pulling apart until it was only held together by the thinnest piece of metal.

I can't recall what happened to the ring after that, but I think I let go.

However, it doesn't take a genius to work out what that dream says about my relationship, does it? [bang Head]

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Only Smart-E's have the answer!

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Looks like I'm not the only one to have wierd dreams then?!

Las night I dreamt that I went on a photo shoot with my mate (who's a model) and when we got there, they told her that she was gonna' be Marilyn Monroe. Anyway, they did her hair, make up etc so she looked just like her. But my mate didn't have a beauty spot so they got this pellet gun and shot it at her face and voila, the spot appeared! Bizarre..........

  • CTW Members

Last night I had the weirdest dream ever. Here's how it went.


I was at a wresting event and was complaining about the unprofessionalism of something then I looked outside and saw real life versions of the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles running around so I ran outside and it was like something out of a scene in Grand Theft Auto 3 (Which I'd earlier been playing). There were police cars everywhere and police officers firing guns, I ran towards a police car jumped in and took off in the direction of the turtles. Eventually me and some others cuaght them but they were no longer turtles they were real people and I remember being sat around a table and I think we had them held hostage and were torturing them....very weird!


Then I dreamt I was in my old primary school sitting in a hall and the principal of my high school. For some reason I thought I was attending a Papa Roach gig but instead Alien Ant Farm came out on stage performed a few songs then started flying around the hall on a huge purple (or it might have been pink) dragon. Eventually the lead siger from the band jumped back on stage and jumped out the window and ran away.


If you can tell me what these mean it would be much appreciated!

  • CTW Members


Originally posted by Belle:

I had a dream about Magic, a fellow clubber! He was arguing before a court with some other guy, have no clue what about. He and I were chatting the other day on MSN and he snapped a picture of himself and emailed it to me. This is why I think I had the dream, because his face was fresh in my memory!


Funny, I usually remember all of my dreams when I wake up.

You're right, the presence of Magic in your dream probably doesn't denote anything other than that he is fresh in your mind, but the location of the court does suggest the resolution of some conflict. This may be literal (i.e. you have worked through some problem with an acquaintance) or it could be internal (i.e. you have made a big decision recently).


Alternatively, the court can be representative of a fear of being judged. It may be as simple as being slightly nervous (at a subconcious level) of how your CTW posts are taken (hence the connection with Magic) or it could be something more profound - the clubbing lifestyle is not something which is necessarily accepted by all our peers and elders as being morally legitimate! [angel]

All shall be well, all shall be well and all manner of things... shall be well.

  • CTW Members


Originally posted by Belle:

When I was younger I used to dream that I could fly. Down the stairs, off the roof etc. Funny thing is that I was scared of heights!!


Watching too many Peter Pan movies I suppose!!

Flying dreams are fairly common. They denote power, control freedom and success. Methinks you may be an ambitious missy [King]

All shall be well, all shall be well and all manner of things... shall be well.

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I had a horrible dream saturday night - cant really remember much other than both my parents were beating me up and my mum stabbed me in the stomach. Not very nice! [Confused]


Likes it HARD!!!!


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Originally posted by SteveW2k1:

I liked the interpretation Wizzer can you tell me what some of these mean.


I had a dream the other nite after coming home from clubbing that I was in the club I'd just been to ad was so drunk I fell down the stairs but the thing was I couldn't get back up again no matter how hard I tried. Then I started geting really worried that the bouncers would see me and throw me out but I still couldn't get up.

Hmm, your ego seems to have taken a bit of a battering. Drunkeness in dreams suggests denial and a fear of losing control. Stairs represent aspirations. The fact that you fell down them makes me think that you feel you have missed out on something, probably because you were not in control. Your fear of the bouncers finding you is akin to somebody finding out about your fall from grace [angel] (again you want to deny the reality of the situation). It's not necessarily anything sinister, just the crises of confidence we all experience from time to time.

All shall be well, all shall be well and all manner of things... shall be well.

  • CTW Members


Originally posted by SteveW2k1:

Another dream I had was me and two friends were outside my old school but I thought it was my current school. I found a winning ring pull on a coke can and my mate stole it from me, I wasn't all that bothered and we started walking along a street where we saw a group of people. We rushed over to see what was happening and someone said Michael Jackson was performing live, then suddenly a band I like burst onto stage and started performing one of their songs but with diffrent words and all band members were dressed in white protective suits. Then I woke up!

This is not too far removed from your other dream. This time though, you feel a little aggrieved that something you've done hasn't been properly recognised or rewarded. The performance on stage of a band that you closely connect with yourself is illustrative of a desire to be applauded for something.


Your 'success' with the Coke can is also representative of something you have achieved, but, while you don't appear to be bothered by someone else taking the credit, you do in fact feel undervalued (much like your falling down the stairs dream). Might it be a work thing?


Again though, you seem to want to keep these feelings to yourself rather than risk conflict. The level pent up emotion is clear from the white boiler suits, which suggest an excess of energy. [shocking]

All shall be well, all shall be well and all manner of things... shall be well.

  • CTW Members


Originally posted by Claire DC:

Right...here's one for ya (i very rarely remember them, especially not all of them) Im gonna give u as much detail as i can!!


Right, it was set in the grounds of my old high school and there were lions (male ones) and we were told just to walk past them cos they'd been fed and it was ok to do so, then it kinda went a bit weird cos my mum was living in the building (kinda like the school but not quite) and she had cats (has 6 in real life too) and everything was going ok til i realised that the cats could get eaten by the lions cos they went out so i started panicking and trying to get them all in and keep the windows and doors shut...then Sarah PVC appeared
and i was telling her about my concerns for the cats and she told me it was ok so long as the lions were kept well fed, she then wanted to do somethin=g (i cant remember what) but i said no cos of the lions and the cats so she decided to leave (not very happy cos id stopped her doin something) then i looked out of the window and saw a human version of one of my mums cats with a big blonde curly wig on (i know it was def a human version of my mums cat for some reason) and they were sat on the grass and i could see a lion approaching very slowly (as if gonna attack) and i tried to get it to move but i couldnt, anyway the lion got em in its mouth and tried to drag it away but the "person" got away after kicking around for a bit but the lion ended up ripping the wig off and then going again for the "person" so another person (i dont know who they just appeared) got a shotgun out and shot at it!!


Thats all i really remember, sorry if i went on and made no sense at all, but that was how my dream went


Looks like you're trying to keep different parts of your life separated for fear that they might not get on, but you might be hitching your wagon to the wrong crowd.


The lions are fairly masculine and are symbols of pride and self-worth. The school setting makes them all the more familiar and unthreatening. The fact that both your mum and Sarah PVC told you not to fear them suggests that you should actually embrace the lions, they are a positive emotion.


The cats, however, are much more feminine and represent sly, hidden enemies. You are protecting them unnecessarily. The lions will attack them, but only because they are protecting you! And if you are able to keep the lions fed (i.e. emotionally, by spending more time with them) you might prevent the conflict you fear.


I would suggest that you have misread some realtionships recently and are putting too much faith in some people (particualrly with someone with blonde curly hair?) and not enough in others (or even yourself).


The person who shoots the lion at the end is probably you - you need to be careful not to shoot the good guys!

All shall be well, all shall be well and all manner of things... shall be well.

  • CTW Members

I hardly ever have very memorable dreams, but last night I had a really odd one.... let's see what sense you can make of this one Whizzer !


I dreamt that I was going for a romantic weekend with my first proper boyfriend. We were in the car and drove up a very narrow and windy path to eventually get to a huge resort. We were allowed to choose what type of accomodation we wanted, and instead of chalets being everywhere, there were either castles or really modern apartments - every one was different. We decided to stay in a medieval looking building and parked the car infront of it.


It was quite scary as we started to hear spooky noises coming from within the building and so we started singing Christmas carols to overcome our fear and to block out the noises [Confused]


I asked my boyfriend (at the time) to get the keys out of his pocket and instead of pulling out keys, lots of branches and wood kept on coming out, and the more he pulled the more branches came out, some with leaves on some without !! (this is one of the weirdest dreams I have ever had!) Anyway, we then heard a warning saying that when a needle and thread comes out of his pocket something tremendous would happen. This made us even more scared and we didn't dare too look in his pocket again. A few moments later a very frail old lady appeared, dressed completely in white flowing clothes and she had long straight white hair, but the thing was she was carrying a needle dangling from some thread and waving it in front of our faces. We noticed a mirror on the wall and the old lady looked into it, but the reflection that we could see of her, and the reflection that she could see of herself, was not what she was really like in reality. It showed a woman in her youth with beautiful skin and no wrinkles. The old lady, thinking she was young started dancing and jumping around as if she was young and supple. My boyfriend then looked in the mirror and his reflection was the face of my most recent ex!!! [Freaked Out][Freaked Out]


Then Dudu jumped up from nowhere, telling me she had a great new CD and asking me if I wanted her to copy it for me ! [Confused][Confused]


Can you make any sense of this because I can't? [Well Happy][Wink]

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recently ive bin havin loadsa strange dreams.. a couple that stick out ini mind r... was walkin over a field 1 day n there were bout 6 or 7 really brightly coloured rainbows. the sky was bright blue n the small amout of grass was bright green.. it was weird cos there was no life iin it.. it was as if i was lookin at a picture... [Confused]


another 1 was i was pregnant... me n my real close friends, sarah, were at a train station.. we were on this platform but it wasnt a platform that u stood on 2 wait 4 ur train, it was as if it was a track tht had bin cut in half n and was propped up by big ong chunks of wood... i was cleaning it, showin arah how 2 sweep it n then al i can remembr was sarah sayin now ur pregnant we wont b able 2 do any thing together... when we got down off this platform, i realised sarah left my yellow fluffy bobble up there.. so i went 2 go get it... n that was that!



heres a good site 4 dream interpretations...



keep life simple then u neva get dropped from a great height.

  • CTW Members


Originally posted by 'C':

I hardly ever have very memorable dreams, but last night I had a really odd one.... let's see what sense you can make of this one Whizzer !


I dreamt that I was going for a romantic weekend with my first proper boyfriend. We were in the car and drove up a very narrow and windy path to eventually get to a huge resort. We were allowed to choose what type of accomodation we wanted, and instead of chalets being everywhere, there were either castles or really modern apartments - every one was different. We decided to stay in a medieval looking building and parked the car infront of it.


It was quite scary as we started to hear spooky noises coming from within the building and so we started singing Christmas carols to overcome our fear and to block out the noises


I asked my boyfriend (at the time) to get the keys out of his pocket and instead of pulling out keys, lots of branches and wood kept on coming out, and the more he pulled the more branches came out, some with leaves on some without !! (this is one of the weirdest dreams I have ever had!) Anyway, we then heard a warning saying that when a needle and thread comes out of his pocket something tremendous would happen. This made us even more scared and we didn't dare too look in his pocket again. A few moments later a very frail old lady appeared, dressed completely in white flowing clothes and she had long straight white hair, but the thing was she was carrying a needle dangling from some thread and waving it in front of our faces. We noticed a mirror on the wall and the old lady looked into it, but the reflection that we could see of her, and the reflection that she could see of herself, was not what she was really like in reality. It showed a woman in her youth with beautiful skin and no wrinkles. The old lady, thinking she was young started dancing and jumping around as if she was young and supple. My boyfriend then looked in the mirror and his reflection was the face of my most recent ex!!!
[Freaked Out][Freaked Out]


Then Dudu jumped up from nowhere, telling me she had a great new CD and asking me if I wanted her to copy it for me !


Can you make any sense of this because I can't?
[Well Happy][Wink]

Seems to be a reasonably literal dream. Your first boyfriend is symbolic of people you have left behind (hence him turning into your most recent ex later in the dream). The old castle is is representative of old feelings within yourself - interesting that you chose to explore the castle rather than the more modern, and more forward looking, apartments. Your general trepidation is natural given that you are exploring some intimate parts of your pysche.


You hope that your ex will have the keys (i.e. the solution to your problems), but instead he produces branches and leaves. The trust you place in him suggests you want to be rescued (a fairly common nostalgic desire to return to waht was once comfortable), but the leaves denote cold feelings, proving that you are over him (and all the others that he symbolises).


Needles represent the point of a message. In this case, you are being told that when he produces a needle you will finally realise it is time to move on (this is the 'tremendous' realisation). The fact that the old woman produces it is interesting. She is part of you, and it suggests that you were aware of the point already.


Your focus on the skin of the woman/you speaks of sensitivity and some trepidation about the future. The fact that it goes from being old and wrinkled to young and beautiful means that you have been liberated by your various separations from exes.


All in all, it's something of a moving on dream. You are generally happy where you are at the moment, but you have occassional fears that you are missing out on something. This dream should reassure you that the past was no better than the present. There's no mileage left in raking over old relationships. You've sucessfully moved on, you just need to remind yourself of this from time to time.


Next time, try exploring the apartments - it's likely to be much more fun! [Wink]

All shall be well, all shall be well and all manner of things... shall be well.

  • CTW Members


Originally posted by tidy_girl:

recently ive bin havin loadsa strange dreams..


another 1 was i was pregnant... me n my real close friends, sarah, were at a train station.. we were on this platform but it wasnt a platform that u stood on 2 wait 4 ur train, it was as if it was a track tht had bin cut in half n and was propped up by big ong chunks of wood... i was cleaning it, showin arah how 2 sweep it n then al i can remembr was sarah sayin now ur pregnant we wont b able 2 do any thing together... when we got down off this platform, i realised sarah left my yellow fluffy bobble up there.. so i went 2 go get it... n that was that!



Bit of slef doubt here. You feel slightly out of the picture with your friend at the moment (or at least you did). You feel you are being pushed away (in the dream you believe it is because you are pregnant, but it is more general than that).


To combat this you visualise three things:


First, you are on a platform or raised stage - this is somewhere you can display the real you to your friend, you are performing for the world to see.


Second, you are cleaning - this is all about the restoration of order and everlasting friendship. The fact that you are having to show Sarah how to clean suggests that you are keen to get her to commit to the relationship.


Third, your friend leaves behind your yellow object and you have to retrieve it. Yellow is the colour of confidence and you feel your friend is undermining it and it is up to you to rescue it.


None of this means that your friend isn't as committed as you are, it's just reflective of some insecurity you're facing at the moment. We all have those moments and at least you still have the confidence to do something about it at a sub-conscious level. [Well Happy]

All shall be well, all shall be well and all manner of things... shall be well.

  • CTW DJs

Myself, CreamyC and bird I knew, but didn't recognise, were planning a trip to a drum and bass night somewhere in bournemouth.


Then I was in the final of Masterchef or something, and was using lots of old fashioned cooking implements.

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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Thanks Whizzer - That's fab ! You really are an [angel]


So glad it wasn't anything bad [Well Happy]

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