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  • CTW Members

Oh my god im turning into an old woman. I was only out on friday till 2 ( as a result of tall trees being the mother of all cheese) and didnt even go out saturday night! didnt even do my sunday afternoon pub thing...i am extremely disappointed in myself! help me help me!



clubber with a passion

  • CTW Members

i didnt go out at all [Confused] cos i was workin... 1st weekend since b 4 xmas aswell, its almost killed me! oh well, ile make up 4 itnext weekend! [Happy]

keep life simple then u neva get dropped from a great height.

  • CTW Members

It doesn't sound good hun! [Freaked Out] i got worried aswell on sat, i went godskitchen on fri (wot a top nite!) and i had money and everythin to go to golden on sat to see the genius who is pvd but instead i spent my sat nite in bed, to make things worse, i was alone!! Why oh why didnt i go!!!

HiGh AbOvE tHe StReEtS aNd HoUsEs RaInBoWs FlYiN hIgH........

  • CTW Members

i got asked to go golden aswell on sat.

but i thought maybe a pizza and dvd would be better. i dont know why i thought that. must remember to have brain removed

I got yours right here.

  • CTW Members

apparently we missed one of the best nites there this year! neva mind, ive decided to go watch pvd at godskitchen on fri! im supposed to go out with my none clubbin m8s but i think its worth ditching them for - godskitchen or the local cheesy club? hmmmm, let me think?!!

HiGh AbOvE tHe StReEtS aNd HoUsEs RaInBoWs FlYiN hIgH........

  • CTW Members

ive been lost since garlands went away.

i dunno where to go.

last weekend it was society.

next weekend its rhyl.

godskitchen is somewhere id love to go at somepoint

I got yours right here.

  • CTW DJs

"You're only as young as the man you feel"


(Hence why I'm 20 with a 27yr old girlfriend)


Worry not about the cheesy clubs - they are what drive the great company of Ben sherman to new heights of greatness.


I think we might be doing Godskitchen on the 23rd.....for the allnighter?

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Members

its definately worth goin to, the atmosphere is amazin and everyone is sound, ok, u do get the odd feww people who love themselves but u get them everywhere! I travel down most weeks so if u eva wanna go i'll prob be there!

HiGh AbOvE tHe StReEtS aNd HoUsEs RaInBoWs FlYiN hIgH........

  • CTW Members

Go on the 30th instead - i'll be there for my birthday after, after, after party! I'll be in a rite mess but it'll be fun!! Its fergie, signum, chris turner....and judge jules (u can always chill out upstairs at this point!) and u get in 1/2 price with ur global gatherin stub [Well Happy]

HiGh AbOvE tHe StReEtS aNd HoUsEs RaInBoWs FlYiN hIgH........

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