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Soph - I think you are being a little silly here - everyone loves ya - I just think you (and I) need to stop posting about our private lives as it DOES annoy people - thats the only issue here.



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Thats a bit cheeky, I think you should add it! I think its a serious issue and it needs a addressing!


Do we think Sophie needs to shower more often?


Yes ---> 1


No ---> 0

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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james- i feel people are just taking the piss out of me the whole time, which is why i wrote this poll! if people dont want me here i would rather just no!


creamy- your sad and pathetic! GROW UP!


  • CTW Promotors

You're right Soph I should and I'm sorry!


* I will never tell the board I'm off for good and return two days later!


* I will never tell my g/f that I lover her only for the next day I want to be free and single


* I will never again say I love being single when I know that is a blatant lie!


* I will never post saying I want a woman only then for me to change it and go back to the other one!


* I will never ever again do that ever again and I'm sorry! I will grow up!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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no creamy, thats fine, if you wanna take the piss out of me then go right ahead!!! i couldent care less.


atleast i am not lowering myself onto your level!


i asked a few simple questions, and all i wanted was some simple answers! i diddent ask people to reply being rude or nasty, did i?


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I think you should learn how to spell serious [Happy]


Just kidding...that's a silly question. Betcha if I asked everyone I'd ever met what they thought of me, it wouldn't be a great poll.....


Since I've known you Sophie, you've threatened to leave ctw 2 or 3 times. Why? Not everyone is going to like what everyone else has to say, no matter what.


It'd be a pretty boring world if we did. So, learn how to shrug off the stuff that 'takes the piss out of you' because it's usually got something to do with comedowns or hormones!!

I am NOT a dj

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hi soph


i'm a little confused. bear with me as i'm being honest. i owe you, and CTW, that at very least.


first, i didn't answer the poll - none of the answers to the first and third questions match what i think...


you seem to be asking a lot of questions about whether people like you or not - i sent you a message by email on that subject but got no response - did you get it?


i think this is way too complex an issue to sum up in an online poll "do you like me (yes or no)?"


it puts me in mind of those TV lawyers "ANSWER THE QUESTION! YES OR NO!"


some questions can't be answered yes or no but if you want an answer to that question, i'll oblige - yes, i like you.


that said, i think it's a it odd that you posted a message a week ago saying you were leaving CTW yet you're still here participating. leaves an objective observer wondering what your July 31st message was all about?


also, while it doesn't annoy me (as such) it frustrates me to see you play out your relationship with james in public so much. i don't think it's healthy to be discussing issues like this in public and the fact that you like to/want to/are willing to suggests, to me, that there are some issues you need to deal with there.


i've said it before - you obviously have a lot going for you. my advice (for what little it's worth) is get on with the business of being yourself and don't worry so much about what others think.


i know this is a lot easier said than done and i'm sorry if this comes across as preachy.


have a great week




[ 05 August 2002, 22:50: Message edited by: alasdairm ]

"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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Soph - I think we all go thro stages on here when we wondered if we should post certain topics or not - i know i do! I think it's great people like u post such honest stuff up coz it makes me feel like it's more of a friendly forum than the likes of the others i go on! and i know most peeps on here from clubin too. if people don't like it then they don't have to read it, but if it makes u feel better - and i know it does me - i was really pee'ed off last nite wiv an old mate and my family so i came on here and had a moan about it and felt loads better, can't remember who said it but the other day we were saying we're all a bit like big bros - we all have our differences and stuff but we still get on great and it's a wicked forum. I think we all got something with this that no other forum could get where we all know each other enough to tell each other our probs and help each other out. I know what u mean tho sometimes i think maybe that's bit too personal to post - so i go back n delete it, other people have said to me about getting paranoid on here so it's not just u. i reckon u should carry on posting and that other people should be a bit more personal 2 rather than just watching us few that do go on a bit!! [Happy]

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Originally posted by Sophie:


atleast i am not lowering myself onto your level!

Good girl! See, you have got your head screwed on!


Whatever that means!!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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seeing as i met you for the first time at the weekend i can't really answer - sure you understand - thought u seemed well friendly just like the others [Happy]


i have 104 friends

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I've never met you and don't know you but I reckon maybe you're a bit insecure to have started this poll in the first place??? I reckon you should just lighten up a bit and take people like creamyc wiv a pinch of salt!!!


Other than that I fink you seem like a darlin [Well Happy][Agreed][Well Happy]


Keep it real matey! [Happy]


Likes it HARD!!!!


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