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I just thought id bring it to your attention that i am in fact quite pissed at this moment in time, tryin to hold msn conbversations includin a 3 way with dj elemental and tresh and i cant follow it for buggery (ouch painful so they tell me) But anyway i must go now and pour another vodka cos im gettin thirsty again!! Just had to let u all know!! [Well Happy]

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Originally posted by Claire DC:

I just thought id bring it to your attention that i am in fact quite pissed at this moment in time, tryin to hold msn conbversations includin a 3 way with dj elemental and tresh and i cant follow it for buggery (ouch painful so they tell me) But anyway i must go now and pour another vodka cos im gettin thirsty again!! Just had to let u all know!!
[Well Happy]

Claire wen u say buggery I hope u were just using it flippantly... not to say I were aroused by the use of such a word. Oh [censored] I must be pissed if I'm sounding that camp... help me someone, where's Creamy when u need him?!?!?!? [bang Head]

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

  • CTW Members

Let me light my cigarette!!!! [PeteTong]

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

  • CTW Members

U can't do this to me!

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

  • CTW Members

Look if I wanna smoke, I'm gonna smoke! U can't stop me... oi gimme the cigarette back, it's my last one! You'll pay for this all of youuuuuuu

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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Originally posted by DJ Elemental:

must say its rather amusing trying to decode what Claire says, when\if i figure it out, i'll let you know if it was of any importance


wuv u really Claire

Bloody good job too MR!! [Angry]


But when u fighure it ourt can u tell me please? Thanx!! [Roll Eyes]

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Originally posted by Tresh:

Look if I wanna smoke, I'm gonna smoke! U can't stop me... oi gimme the cigarette back, it's my last one! You'll pay for this all of youuuuuuu

NO!! We're not lettin ya smoke!! Do as ur told BITCH!! [Angry]

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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send me a postcard drop me a line

send me a postcard drop me a line

send me a postcard drop me a line

send me a postcard drop me a line


Why cant i stop saying this??


Conversation as follows between me and tresh (Dj Elemental was bein wuiet at this time)


"Tresh says:

I feel very pissed now

Claire says:

hahah me too

Claire says:

still pissin tho

Claire says:

drinkin "


Oh dear [Roll Eyes]


About *oddball*


Tresh says:

I have to say I'm impressed by Iain (Oddball(...

Claire says:


Tresh says:

back in March he was such a normal guy

Tresh says:

then on a Thursday, I made him smoke a spliff, then on Friday gave him his first lin of Coke then on the Saturday gave him his first pill... all in 3 days and now he has spiralled out of control

Tresh says:

yea... I am a bad influence on people


Hahaha and we all know what he's like now dont we!!!!


[ 15 August 2002, 04:15: Message edited by: Claire DC ]

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

  • CTW Members

This has been doctored... I never said all that, well not in that order anyway!

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

  • CTW Members

but then I may get in trouble! [Grumpy]

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

  • CTW Members

I'm scared! I'm a wimp, I admit it. Are u gonna persecute me forever? [paranoid]

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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