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  • CTW Members

Would you ever go2 an event by yourself. Say for example there was a really good nite on that U have been looking 4ward2 for ages and then ya m8 lets U down. Would you go by ya self?


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

  • CTW Members

yep...and i have done so....once in ibiza! you meet so many people once you get there - you never feel alone for too long!

when i dont go alone i end up losing most of my friends in clubs for most of the night anyway [Razz]

dreaming of paradise

  • CTW Members

Yeah sure why not?! Its better than missing out and regreting it later isn't it?!!!!

  • CTW Members

Yeah I've done it before! but then i do have this habit of wandering off when im with my mates and im never to be seen again! [angel]

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  • CTW Members

Yeah I guess so but its really scary going by ya self! Especially if ya dressed cyber on the tube and ya by yourself and then sum wierd tramp guy starts try to stroke ya furry boots! [shocking][paranoid][paranoid][shocking]


Ahhh horrible flashbacks [Confused]


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

  • CTW Members

i m going with the crowd on this one, i've done it a couple of times, but i always end up loosing myself in clubs anyway, so thats pretty much the same.



  • CTW Members

Cant say ive ever done it myself, been with one other person and that can be bad enuff !

Its alright doin it, but personally i feel like a bit of a nob going alone. [paranoid]

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
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  • CTW Members

I've gone on my own before,, its quite good cos it forces you to converse with people.... I remember one time I befriended nearly the whole of Hotdog and I didn't know anyone when I walked in.


Aahhhhhh Memories!!!!!

no sleep 'till bedrock!!

  • CTW Members

no i have far too many friends to do that. lol nah jsut kiddin i wud actually cos i always go off on me own in there anyway. I only usually see people at the start and end, maybe once in the middle.

  • CTW Members


Originally posted by Pepsi:

Yeah I guess so but its really scary going by ya self! Especially if ya dressed cyber on the tube and ya by yourself and then sum wierd tramp guy starts try to stroke ya furry boots!


Ahhh horrible flashbacks

lol...sounds pretty scary!

[Freaked Out]

dreaming of paradise

  • CTW Members

Id go to a club I was familiar with on me own,cos Id know faces there.

Ive ended up in clubs on my own due to mates fuckin up the meet,but usually by then Im not too arsed.

Going out on my own though...Id feel like a complete billy no mates and a bit of a knob.

  • CTW Members

Yeah. Got to 10pm one night and decided I fancied a boogie. Everyone else was out of town or otherwise engaged so I went on my own.


Felt like a right tit for the first hour or so, before things got going - kept thinking I looked like a total perve, scoping out the women on my own [blush]


Once the place filled up though it was fine. In fact, it was one of the best nights I've ever had.


The g/f was not at all happy when I told her tho - she assumed I had gone simply to be a perve and scope out all the women by myself...

All shall be well, all shall be well and all manner of things... shall be well.

  • CTW Members


I had no choice on my birthday - I got blown out by all my mates, so at about half past midnight, I got in my car and popped up to Swerve @ The End. Sad i know, but Miss DC told me to go cos it was my b'day and i shouldn't be sitting in.

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