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im sorry fish, but are trying to say i am turning into some psyco, cos if you are then [censored] OFF! cos your wrong!


and in fact, none of you have a bloody clue!


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If no one has a clue, then why post in the first place ?

You either do or don't want peoples opinions soph.

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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Thanx for the [censored] OFF Soph, will bear that in mind whenever I think about you in the future !


if you can't handle any criticism, then why start the subject on the board anyway ?


Your whole attitude really pisses me off, and yes I do think that you are turning into a bit of a physco and you do need help.


You really need to grow up and get a grip, everything you say on this board totally contradicts yourself, maybe you should read back on some of your posts and realise what a complete tit you are miking of yourself.


I have never commented on this subject before, even tho it has been an ongoing saga, you can only ever be happy with anybody when you are happy with yourself and you obviously are not.


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yeh i do want peoples oppinions, i just dont think its nice to


a) be nasty, and clearly everyone has here!




B) be told i am a psych maniac that needs professional help! cos if fish actually new me se would realise im not! i dont think she can judge a person, if she hasent even met them! and NO i dont need help thankyou!


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' she ' has a name thank you very much as I take it it is me you are referring to !


You clearly do need help/advice as that is what you keep on saying on your messages.


* yawn * this is all getting very boring know.


Get your facts right before you start slating me, I am not a nasty person, but then again you don't know me.


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well pehaps you should read back on your posts and realise what your saying. nastiness is not the way to go about things, and i dont think you can judge me if you havent even met me!


and your obviously not happy with yourself either! cos clearly my posts are affecting you! so perhaps its you that needs help, not me!




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did i say you were a naty person.... NO! i just said you were writing nasty things!




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