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I think that as with most things in life that it's ok in moderation, it's just when people don't know or respect their own limits, drink far too much and start acting like complete tw*ts that it becomes a bad thing, lads getting pervy, girls getting loose, people puking up everywhere, people getting aggressive and violent, sh*t like that, no need, really lowers the tone of a night

Nathan Bell: Don't be afraid, to let yourself go
MSN: CTWDinger@hotmail.com

  • CTW DJs

Bang on with the Dumonde raver there. Being as another non drug taker i love a few smirnoff ices to get me going. If Alcohol is so bad why is it illegeal with regards to things like Pills, MDMA,Coke and so . Why is it the only legal drug aprt from nicotine?

A night out with a few drinks is great gets me really going in a club esp with a few red bulls and maybe vodka with that too. I have never been tempted to do drugs and one thing i dotn get is that if enjoy the music so much why do i need drugs to help me enhance it? I would feel that if i had to take drugs to enjoy the music and would have lost the natural love and enjoyment of music that we had before or maybe never had it was just the drug effcts talking?

My music passion is so strong i feel as if i would be cheating myself by taking drugs in a club.

juts food for thought i guess, take it as you will

  • CTW Members

Personally, I don't think that I could live without alcohol. It's very difficult to remember a day when I didn't have a drink (and that's not because of any neurophysiological effect that the alcohol has had on my brain).


I was raised in a family where social gatherings were always a big feature, and therefore I was brought up to enjoy a small glass of wine every now and again, especially at meal times (aaaaahhhhhh, fond memories at being drunk aged 3 at sister's christening).


That's not to say that my parent's were/are alcoholics or were irresponsible in allowing me drink occasionally. They, and I have always worked extremely hard and as such a drink, around friends is the perfect way to relax. I think that drinking alcohol at an earlier age than is legal, under the supervision of adults, is absolutely fine - like anything, by preventing alcohol from being seen as some 'forbidden fruit' that cannot be eaten, kids will not feel the need to rebel, and so be less likely to go on binge drinking session where they can become aggressive, lecherous, boring assholes as they get older.


Sarah, I appreciate that you may have had some bad experiences, and true, alcohol can cause alot of violence, misbehaving etc, but personally I have never in 28 years ever been in a fight, neither have my good friends, and we would never consider going to places where that kind of thing goes on.


The overiding factor that determines ones reaction to the drug is, like all drugs, ones latent personality (and I can speak with some professional knowledge, having been a neurobiologist) - be it alcohol, pills, coke, weed - if you're a naturally relaxed, chilled out and happy person, that's how you're more than likely to be after taking it; the more hyper and agressive you when sober, the more this is going to exaggerated while under the influence.


Sorry if this sounds like a bit of lecture, it's no supposed to.

'Obscene, Dirty, Filthy, Immoral aw yeah, aw yeah, aw yeah, yeah, yeah'

  • CTW Members

Spot on Freano, you and I agree on that. If you have to take drugs to have a good time and enjoy yourself, why bother? A few drinks before to get in the mood is much better. However there is a time and a place to get hammered, and I can't deny that I enjoy that as well!

OSM aka Rob D


  • CTW Members

Is alchol good?

Don't be so ridiculous,of course it is!

  • CTW Members

Again, it's really down to the kind of personality you naturally have as to how you're going to act when you take any drug.


Have to say though that I've also been in a lot clubs where pilled-up and not pissed-up blokes suddenly think that they are god's gift to the girls, and think that by grabbing some poor chick's hips and gyrating their groin into their ass, she will immediately drop to her knees and beg for more.....sad really.

'Obscene, Dirty, Filthy, Immoral aw yeah, aw yeah, aw yeah, yeah, yeah'

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ultimately at the end of the day, it is no question, each to there own and each party should respect that

I totally agree with that Dumonde Raver - i think its a case that people should know their limits and stay within them. Ive seen too many people screw up on various things because they have pushed their bodies too far and a few of those people ended up dead!


[ 04 June 2002, 16:00: Message edited by: SarahPvc ]

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW DJs

All in all a pretty good deabte i think! Well done everyone!! [shocking]

  • CTW Members

I'll back you up on that James!

I just feel that when theres pilled up peeps, the gals get treated with more respect coz everyones around for the music and NOT to pull!

At ministry me and Elly went in the drinkers room for a bit of a dance and we had been in there only 2 mins before a guy started trying to grope us! We made a quick exit!!!

However I do like a drink with my buds from time to time but I always feel much better after pills [Happy]

  • CTW Members

Totally agree with you there Creamy! Thanks for supporting us pigs, we need alcohol in people for us to get action!


oink oink!

  • CTW Members

Can't say I've ever been impressed by a drunken lager lout.......... [Crazy]

  • CTW Members

Nice to see people like Creamy, Freano, OneSmartMonkey who are like minded like myself and don't and never will have the need to take pills, but again, i have the up-most respect for those who choose to do it, ultimately at the end of the day, it is no question, each to there own and each party should respect that . [Happy]

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
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