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Atendees for this one so far:


James - Liverpool!

Paul - Liverpool!

CreamyC - Amsterdam!

Sophie - Cant Go! [Crying]

Tara - Cant Go! [Crying]

Lia B - Cant Go! [Crying]

DuMonde Raver - GOING!


Active - GOING!






Tickets: £10 in Advance from TicketMaster, 24 hour Credit Card Hotline: 020 7344 4444 / 08705 344 4444!


Website: www.ticketmaster.co.uk


Contact Ministry: mhunter@ministryofsound.com


Tel No: 020 7740 8610




103 Gaunt Street



10pm - 6am


Nearest Tube is Elephant & Castle!


Tickets will also be available on the door but its safer to get them beforehand to avoid disappointment!!!!






[ 02 May 2002, 15:11: Message edited by: CreamyC ]

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW Members

Hi everyone. I've just signed up to your website and it looks wicked. I'm 22 and I've got loads of mates who all think they're too old for clubbing. I really want to mee people in London who are up for it. I'd be well up for MOS on Sunday night if you don't mind a new face.

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Active! Welcome mate!


I'm not going to Ministry on Sunday as much as I want to but the peeps listed above are! If you want send me a PM (by going to the "my profile" option at the top right of the screen and click "send private message" and I'll make sure Tara or Soph get in contact with you to meet up with you Sunday! We're looking for peeps like you to come out with us so we can have toip nights every week, if you want a run down on other places we've got planned get in contact with me any time or email on the address in my sign-off!!!


Cheerz buddy, look forward to meeting you soon!


Dancing Dude says hi.....



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW Members

sorry chaps, dont think me and tara are going now, weve descided to save are hard earnt cash for the EXLER8 night at the fridge!! cos we love it there!!!!!


Active- nice to see some new faces welcome to the site!!!


sorry we wont get a chance to meet up on sunday but perhaps another time???





  • CTW Members

Yeah sorry guys, MOS is off! Checked my bank today and I have £3.29, god I hate being a poor student!!!

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MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW Members

Kev, im def. goin boss, just about whether we get tickets on the door which the guy is v. confident we will !

See post in general chat for more details . [Happy]

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



  • CTW Members

Im sorry i cant go peeps! i really wanted to but like Tara, im sooooo skint!! [Crying]

  • CTW Admin

F*ck me - this is a total cockup this one!!? Most of us cant go or are too skint - and this is one of the best events of the year for me! Must admit I've cocked up more than anyone else here !!


I guess we have to try and plan things even better although Creamy's dam trip was confirmed before the site was even set up so that cant be helped!


O well people, there will always be another one I guess.


If you have any suggestions on how we can keep in even better contact let me know. The live chat should be up soon but I suggest using MSN or IRC for now.


For the new version of the site I'm going to have proper dynamic guest lists / suggestions lists which will be updated in real time and all in one place / one page. For now can you just add your name to an event in the calendar to let us know if you are definitely going or not.


Basically we will end up going to wherever the majority of the members want to go but quite often, as you know, the final list of names / the venue decided upon is not know until the very last minute. This is life unfortunately - cirumctances change - health, money, etc.. etc..



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  • CTW Members

Wish i could agree wit ya when u say you think there should be another night like this at ministry soon, but unfortunately they hardly ever have proper trancey nights with big names anymore [bang Head]


M.O.S has gone so commercial in the last year its been unreal. They are full of Garage and dare i say it HipHop nights mainly now .

[Angry Fire]

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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Du Monde Dude,


I'm total agreement with you but I was watching MTV Dance last night and Dave Pearce was being asked about the future of dance! He says although these bigs clubs are gradually turning more and more commercial and playing [censored] there ARE others that are taking over! His very words were "There are now big clubs that becomming empty but there are new ones taking their place"! And why? Because the [censored] that the likes of Ministry and Cream play now no one wants to hear! As for Trance / Hard House in London, I've heard of Fridge and Heaven are becomming ever popular now so they are places I want to check out soon!


Lastly in regards to Ministry Of Sound, it is sad that there will probably not be another night like this one for a long time and thats very SAD!


To [censored] with Garage and Hip-Hop, we dont want it and we dont need it!! [Angry Fire]

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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