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  • CTW Promotors

I shall be going Friday evening after work, if anyone else fancies it let me know, I'll be meeting up with Robin (DJ Freano) and may stay on for Saturday night as well! If not, I'll be going to The SE1 Tidy night!!

Let me know if you wanna come.......

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW Admin

Kev, we need to sort this out because last I knew it was MONDAY & TUESDAY we were going and as such confirmed another booking for my mates birthday @Fabric on friday. There is no way I'm gonna make Sat/Sun and then back up to MoS on Sunday - I would normally but I have no cash until next payday plus I'm having several deliveries for the new pad on Sat. Cant we make it Mon/Tues ?



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  • CTW Members

im up for it, but i cant do sat evening as i work on a sunday so will have to come home on saturday.


buy the way james, i just heard on the radio that fabric this weekend is a garage special!!!! hummmmn im pleased i am not going!!!




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  • CTW Promotors

Okay, no worries, Brighton remains on Friday night as I'll be meeting Robin, I'll be back in London on Saturday and will be going to The SE1 Tidy event on Saturday to meet up with Tony P and whoever else wants to come to that! I will also be going to Ministry on Sunday as I know loads of people are going to this one and then back up to Brighton as origionally planned for Monday and Tuesday!! Brighton DOES NOT necessarily have to be a clubbing two dayer although if anyone does I have not complaints about it! The weather forecast is looking good for these two days so if ANYONE wants to come then please let me know! As far as I know and how its looking, me and James will be going!!!


I hope this clears up any mis-understandings that appears to be occuring at the moment!!!


Friday: Brighton (Kev, Robin so far!)


Saturday: Brighton (Kev, Robin so far!)


Saturday Night: SE1 Club Tidy Event (Kev, Tony P, ickle loudy so far!)


Sunday Night: Ministry, Europhia Pt2 (Kev, James, Soph, Tara, DuMonde Raver, active, ELSxBELLS, bunnikins230, nice1bruvva + beckie in la la land so far!)


Monday: Brighton (Kev, James, Soph so far!)


Brighton: Brighton (Kev, James, Soph so far!)


This is looking the more likely the line-up for me, as I said, if anyone fancies any of these all you have to do is let me know!




[ 28 May 2002, 14:32: Message edited by: tRaNcEd-kEv ]

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW Members

i will come to brighton on monday and tuesday so you can add my name to that list!!!


creamy i think james is sorting out the tickets for minsitry


  • CTW DJs

i will do brighton tuesday deffo lads, but as kev knows i cant do monday night due to a prior engagement! Friday night will be kick ass , James its garage night at fabric, get your ass down brighton

  • CTW Admin

shiiiiite!!!!!!!! GARAGE?!! [censored] it - we've already paid for the limo and its my mates birthday so I cant let him down sorry peeps.


This WONT happen again. I have leant NOT to commit to anything until a day before - Kev - I suggest you do the same - plan can change at the last minute. This is the most tricky thing - without putting our names down early others wont but if we do we end up missing a potentially better event elsewhere. I just want ALL of us TOGETHER - will it ever happen ?!



CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

  • CTW DJs


Oh well on the brighter side i have reached 100+ posts woo hoo - this is 101! Safe [shocking]

  • CTW DJs

well i am up for it!! James, Soph etc... tara? come one, what about glitterbabe etc... [shocking]

  • CTW DJs

the nights gets better Kev, we are on the guestlist as i spoke to my mate Jan the promoter, also on the guestlist for a very funky and relatively exclusive bar in Brighton too. We will also frequent a few other nightstops where i have connections!! Will see you in there soon mate. By the way i will aim to get to Brighton around the same time and will park at station carp park due to ridicluous parking wardens now in Brighton so if you get to the station and i aint there, wait there coz i will meet you there!!

Till later then!! [shocking]

  • CTW DJs

i was gonna say something else but i have forgotten. But tonight Kev will be hearing the premiere of Clubtheworld.com Volume 2. Lucky him [shocking]

  • CTW DJs

Well when CTW visit Brighton especially Kev its only right to give some royal treatment!! Ha Ha

Its just lucky i have a few friends in useful places ha ha

  • CTW DJs

Kev, just give me a call when you are leaving lahndahn!! I got a few lads and a few girls we might go for a drink with, will try a few exclusive bars too, so dress nice, I think aswell at the zap tonight its a theme nights hang on-

Pussycat Specials

Theme Nights





31st of May 2002 with Fergie

Royal Golden Gala Party

Featuring glittering, golden palace ballroom decor, royal court entertainers & jesters, golden pyrotechnics at midnight, giveaways galore & a host of surprises! Wear gold, crowns & tiaras or jewels and evening wear or come dressed as Dukes, Duchesses & ambassadors, footmen, butlers, maids, chefs, full dress uniform guards or historical Kings and Queens: Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, King Arthur, Mad King George, etc. or fairytale royals like Cinderella & Prince Charming, the visual possiblities are endless!

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