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  • CTW DJs

CTW Mr Tickle! Yeah that seems to have a nice ring to it... although I can't actually remember why I would have that title?? [Confused]


And I wasn't intentionally dragging you girls onto the floor, I think I was trying to lift you both up or something, although quite why I'm not sure.....


Hmmmm, yup, four in the afternoon and still feeling pissed. Yummy!

Email & MSN: pdb_1@hotmail.com
Mob: 07788 133678
Only Smart-E's have the answer!

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Well it's now nearly 7 and i been and done my usual hangover cure and had swim outside and sauna/steam - and i still feel trashed [Confused][Confused][Confused] and i got a load of bloody job applicatons to fill in and i jsut can't be arsed [icky] roll on tom - hair of the dog an all that [Laugh][Laugh]

  • CTW Promotors

Dakers don't you remember tickling me? You did it quite a few times!! [Laugh]

  • CTW Promotors

Sometimes i wish i lived near London!! Where did u all go? Who went? Any gossip much appreciated!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Promotors

We went to Zoo bar in Leicester Sq: Me, bunnykins & her fella Dylan, Dakers, CreamyC, CrashinCarey, FredTheBaddie & Chris(GCSSS).


Bit of a cheesy bar-but a good laugh. Any gossip? Nothing comes to mind [Wink] Just the usual (very) drunken frolics!

  • CTW Promotors

Sounds like u all had fun! Im coming 2 London for Tidy thing on 3rd Aug - any ideas for the fri night?

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Members

Hi [Wavey][Wavey] I only jsut got up - god do i feel wrecked or what! that was one funny nite - u know we finshed those poppers on the bus!! Do ya think the zoo bar will have us back [Question][Question][Laugh][Laugh][Laugh]

I'm s'pose to be going back to job agencies 2day but i feel far too wasted think I'm jsut gonna go and have swim and sauna!

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  • CTW DJs

Just wanted to say again how bloody sorry I am if I offended anyone... [Crazy]


I've got my helpdesk person's Afghan feast in about half an hour too, so I've got to see what my stomach can cope with [Crazy]


I also filled up someone's mobile with text messages last night, and I'm really really worried about what I might or might not have said... eeeek! [Crazy]


All that aside, I really enjoyed myself, I think!

Email & MSN: pdb_1@hotmail.com
Mob: 07788 133678
Only Smart-E's have the answer!

  • CTW Members

you know whats really frigtening, im prob gonna go out on the piss tonite


then i think ill check myself into a hospital, that is of course after i go out on friday nite, then again saturday afternoon and saturday nite



  • CTW Members

If u don't want a real late 1 if ur going out the next nite then the purple turtle is ideal - it's a bar that has a stage and bangs out bril hard house all nite, well til 2 anyways [Well Happy] or there's camden Palace over the road if u wanna carry on when that shuts, or the fridge in Brixton. There def the best 2 [Well Happy] sometimes heaven is good - dunno who's playing there yet tho [Happy]

  • CTW Members


Originally posted by Dakers:

Tickling? Tickling?


Still lost!

HAHA I'd forgotten all about that - but yeh that was really funny [Laugh][Laugh][Laugh][Laugh]

  • CTW Members

dakers was doing a really good pervy old man impression, elly was like, dakers keeps tickling keep him away from me, whats a little sexual harassment amoungst friends anyway


*swap shirts honey monster*


are you going to the pt tonite, are there usually girls there or is it gay like heaven?

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