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  • CTW Members

Great to meet you all!

Think the night went really well. I really enjoyed the Beach too.

Heard on the radio that there were 250,000 people who came to see it!


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  • CTW DJs

Mental night! Didn't get to meet up with the CTW lot though /images/graemlins/cry.gif

Got over there about 5:30 and the crowd was mental at the point. Mobile phones were knackered, and it took me half an hour just to get a text message out.. ringing people was out of the question!

Got down to some serious drinking on the beach, until the 45 minute round trip to the toilets ade me think again, and it was back to straight vodka! I thought the way you got hassled if you took more than 30 seconds in the Portaloos by the horde outside was quite amusing! Thank god for zips, I don't know what I would have done if I was a girl!

It's a shame our group were so far back back from the stage though, must have been around 400/500m and could hardly hear a thing. I'll have to buy the CD to hear what was played!

Those problems aside, it was a really nice evening on the beach with some of my mates, just a shame I didn't manage to catch up with everyone from here.

Email & MSN: pdb_1@hotmail.com
Mob: 07788 133678
Only Smart-E's have the answer!

  • CTW DJs

Oh, and in case anyone noticed in the background, I confess to being the one shouting "Tiiiiiiiimmmmy", "Creeeeeeeaaammmmmmmmy", "Munkeeeeeeeeeeeey" at the top of my voice at various times throughout the event.

Apologies if this destroyed anyone's listening pleasure!

Email & MSN: pdb_1@hotmail.com
Mob: 07788 133678
Only Smart-E's have the answer!

  • CTW DJs

Well well well.

What a mixed night eh!

The worst thing was that i could not re find any of the CTW members after i left them to find my sister at the front. I did stay at the front for most of it, about 10 metres away!!!! opposite the Grand hotel. Awesome Awesome tunes, great atmosphere up there, just a bitch to move etc... Nightmare!!

There was one fight inf ront of me, some guy tried to start on my sisters mate, nothing happened then a minute later the same guy started on another bloke and this guy propmtly took one blow to the chin and was so pissed he was knocked out cold and even crying when the stewards took him away, a 20+ bloke crying after getting knocked down, shocking! fat Bastard.

Creamy and everyone i am so sorry, i tried to find you about 10ish, but gave up due to the sheer volume of people, phones as dakers said were completely out of action so.

What did everyone get up to afterwards?

I just went up Devils Dyke for a joint in the end! [smoke]

  • CTW Members

Even tho the media seemed to show that this was a terrible incindent, I wish I had been thewre, what an atmosphere that would have bin!?!?!

Over The Top entertainment DJ Agency & Artist Management

  • CTW Members

Ott...what do you mean the media played it??

I am NOT a dj

  • CTW Promotors

Firstly, I start off with a few apologies:


Dakers - I know you was texting me mate but unfortunately just before the event began I lost all reception on my phone obviously not picking up all your texts until AFTER 4 in the morning, I tried to call but once again it just wasn't having it!


nice1bruvva + Beckie - Once again mate, your texts didn't come through until I was going home Sunday morning at about 7, at that point I still couldn't text back! When we left you and said we'd be back dont ask what happened coz even I dont know, all I know is me and FredTheBaddie (or just him) were talking shite to people on the way back, when we did eventually get there we couldn't find the others! On the way back to you the shite talking to people resumed and next thing we know the whole thing had finished! My phone had service but refused its arse to make any calls or receive texts!


Robin - I did try and call you mate to see where the [censored] you were and I think that a text message may of actually got to you coz it said sent on my phone! Anyways, it was good to briefly meet your sister and Naomi in the flesh, hope you had a good one even though we lost each other so soon into it!


PowerSlough - Pretty much the same goes here mate, I got your answerphone message around 3 in the morning and a few texts later on so apologies there!


glitterbabe - Called, failed, called, failed, called, failed, called, failed! Got your texts though so thanks for that but I wasn't ignoring you, read above!


Grant - You little turd, I never told you Hombres was good, I told you it was [censored], I said the birds were good but nothing else! If you had a [censored] night then good, that'll teach you for not listening to me [Happy] ! Only joking mate! In reply to your text though needless to say where we were! Hope you had a good one anyway!


James + Dave - Why were you the only people I could call and text? Maybe its coz you werent in Brighton?!?!?!


Wicked to meet Dooby and Wub Wub from BoogieTown.net ( www.boogietown.net ), at least we didn't lose you guys, well for while anyway! Met up with new members Michaela (wicked girl) and Iain (wicked bloke) as well as the regulars FredTheBaddie, CrashinCarey, Robin, ELLSxBELLS, beckie in la la land and nice1bruvva + mates!


Thanks to ELSxBELLS for making some excellent ClubTheWorld cards for most of us, the ones that haven't will be done soon once Elly has some time! Thanks to Iain for sorting us out direct entry into the Beach club on the seafront! Not a bad place, starts off with a bit of cheese then finishes with some top tunage! And finally thanks to God for making sure it didn't rain, what the [censored] would we have done had it of rained???


Great atmosphere on the beach but where we started off it was almost impossible to hear anything but why was there no special transport! I also heard that the train company switched off the power to the trains coz there wasn't enough trains and too many people at the station! Some of us stayed on after the party finihed and went to the Beach club until it shut at 3am! We then dossed and froze our arses off on the beach around what was probably the worst camp fire on the whole beach then made our way back to the station via I think the WHOLE OF BRIGHTON! Thanks to Elly and Wub Wub we managed to get in around the back of the station whilst other people just stood outside waiting for the gates to open! As the train sat idle on the platform some good thinking of some other party goers enabled us to board the train before it was in service giving us pretty much the whole train to choose from and getting on it before the poor late arses who had to stand! Thanks to the twat who was listening to utter [censored] on his walkman and then having multiple text messages coming through and it going off all the time!!! Finally got in around 10!! I thought it was pretty [censored] amazing!!!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW DJs



What a mint w/e! Great to meet all you guys. Once you left and went home, we all went back to Dooby's place for a bit, the myself and Elly went and spent the afternoon round hers ( [Wink] )


All in all a rather mint w/e. Except the fact that I managed to lose my first camera film....doh!

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Members

CREAMY-Thanks for that, I know there was major problems with using mobile phones!! Maybe next time!? Anyway to be totally honest I can remember leaving the answerphone message but can't remember sending you any texts so did they actually make any sense or were they just gobbledy-gook????!!

I hope you all had a great night, mine was wicked anyway!

C u all soon! D

Bam, bam, boogie, say up jump the boogie, to the rhythm of the boogie to beat!!!!!!!!!!!

  • CTW DJs

Once again lads i am sorry it all went Pete Tong, They expoected 60,00 and what do they get quarter of a mill, but to the people who were there, are you surprised at that figure considering there were at least 40-50,000 people behind the stage i saw!!!! Madness.

What did everyone get up to afters, my sis actually got into the Honeyclub, i just resided myself to the fact i wasnt going to get into duew to numbers all though a member, not worth the hasle! Plus i had work the next day too!!!

So what happened afters, where did you sleep or did you have a miracle and get a train back to london? [Well Happy]

  • CTW Members

Kev u chavvy, i will find your hombres post and shuv it up ur ass coz i know u said summit good about the place !


Don't worry bout the txt mate, i forgot wha was happenin completely about Brighton.

Hope everyone managed to have a bangin night.


What was the story with the guy that died ? [Freaked Out][Confused]

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



  • CTW DJs


Originally posted by Robin:

Once again lads i am sorry it all went Pete Tong, They expoected 60,00 and what do they get quarter of a mill, but to the people who were there, are you surprised at that figure considering there were at least 40-50,000 people behind the stage i saw!!!! Madness.

What did everyone get up to afters, my sis actually got into the Honeyclub, i just resided myself to the fact i wasnt going to get into duew to numbers all though a member, not worth the hasle! Plus i had work the next day too!!!

So what happened afters, where did you sleep or did you have a miracle and get a train back to london?
[Well Happy]

Myself, Creamy, Elly, CrashedandCarey and the rest managed to get into Beach Club.....lush!


Started off cheesy disco, then moved onto seriously good house music (ala Smoke Machine, Just Won't Do, Red Alert, where Loves Lives for the finale). It wasn't even that rammed. Very sweaty though.

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Members

Just want to join with everyone else in saying top weekend !

Despite all the problems with phones and meeting up with people, it still managed to be a quality day. Not surprising we had problems considering how many people were there !

Thank god for the sun, it could have been so much worse if it had been raining, instead of the scorcher that it was.

So, it was cool meeting up with everyone.

Robin, shame you never made it back.

Iain, nice meeting up with you.

Michaela, I'm sure you made someone really happy when your bra landed on their head ! [Wink]

Hello to Wub wub (dirty man!), Dooby and the rest of their crew, with a special mention going to Ugly Boy !!

Neil and Becks, like Creamy said, it was just chaos trying to find you again, we were lucky to find you the first time. What did you do after the beach ? We never made it to the Thistle Hotel, didn't get your texts til the next morning ! And say hello to Andre ...

Creamy, sounds like you remember more than me, I thought it was a different club, and I was sure we were there later than 3. Oh well. Remember the girl toasting her socks round the campfire after the club ? [Well Happy]

Let's hope we get some new members signing up, Mel, that means YOU !! I can only remember giving out one of my cards, but they're all gone now. [Confused]

Anyway, I'm sure I've forgotton to mention somebody, but I'm still feeling a bit spaced, and it was a very chaotic day !!

Let's do more of these !! [sun]

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

  • CTW Promotors


Originally posted by wub_wub:


Why am I 'dirty boy'?


( I think I might know the answer to this....)

I think hes referring to you and a certain member of this forum! [Wink]

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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