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OK who's up for Slinky @The Opera House in Bournemouth this friday 16th August???


Its DJ Deathmatch part 2 with DJ's:


JFK (Passion)

Garry White (Slinky)

Dean Wilson (Golden)

TC (Bigfish, Manila)


and Drum and bass in room 2 with Hype!


There are about 5/6 of us going from Oxford so if anyone fancies this reply here and we'll arrange a meet up! [wiggle][Agreed][wiggle]


[ 11 August 2002, 19:08: Message edited by: CreamyC ]

  • CTW DJs

grrr......would love to go to this, but need to save my cash for Creamfields....DOH!


September Slinky dates come with an open house invitation on mine for afterwards though.


(blatantly Mr White is going to trounce all - SLINKY RULES!)

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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Oh well Matt, I'm only going coz the boyf is paying for me!


Is there no-one else who's up for this???

  • CTW Promotors

Tara - you not coming to Viaduct in London with the rest of the crew? [Confused]

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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Nah' to be honest I didn't really like the Viaduct, music was great but the venue was one of the worst I've ever seen! About the size of a shoe box and not half as clean!

  • CTW Members

mite be up 4 this now n the weather loks good 2 4 the seaside [Well Happy]

How r u getting there?

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If anyone else fancies coming to Slinky phone/text me on 07765151913! See yah' people!!! [Agreed]

  • CTW DJs

well i am off to Slinky next weekend foir AVB and Scott Bond in a convoy of cars from Sussex. Have it large Tara, then tell us how it was! [Agreed]

  • CTW Members

I'm def glad i went to this being it was real last minute thing! opera house is wicked venue and atmosphere - only thing was apart from JFK the music was er well gotta admit pretty crap!! JFK did blinding 2 hours at end of nite tho that did make up a bit - apaarantly the tunes r usually betta!! The beach 'party' after or should i say - roof (haha!!) was well good and something i really envy those peeps who live by the sea and go clubbin can do! we (well me, Tara and some guys we met down there continued to dance til light almost!! to car stereo on a roof and got our pics snapped 4 some local website site -should be interesting!! well i gave the guy a ctw card!! Spent til afternoon on the beach - this is def betta than any afterparty - if u get the chance to go clubbin by a beach - do it!! [Well Happy] Def gonna be up 4 Slinky on 13th [Well Happy]

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WOW what more can I say?! Slinky was amazing, lovely CLEAN venue, great people and atmosphere, music could have been better but its not usually so funky apparently.

Beach party after was great fun, made a change from the usual kinda' after parties. Me and Tash and those other guys had a right laugh dancing on the roof on that round-a-bout thing, hahaha! We certainly got some looks I can tell yah! [PeteTong]

Big thanks to the Oxford guys who made us all feel so welcome! (They practically live at Slinky so know the ropes!) and they will all be joining us in Ibiza so everyone will get to meet them then! [Agreed]

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