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this site could help save my sanity!!stuck in pubs for too many years - didnt know any better!! introduced to what weekends are all about recently, unfortunately clubbing companion is now my x and mates are all sticking by the jukebox!dying to go to GK gathering - any of u lot able to show me the ropes??

live in glasgow just now but moving to london in august

ok then, if you twist my arm....

  • CTW Members

Elloooooooooooo, howz u, im trashed but i thought id say hi anyway!! Ah well of to get a vodka i think cos if i dont ill get hungover now rather than later!! [Laugh][Roll Eyes][Razz]

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

  • CTW Admin



THANK GOD, this is exactly what this site is about and why I set it up in the first place - I too was in the same situation - all my mates were local beer monsters who if they did go clubbing it was once a month and just to the local crappy garage club.


DONT PUT UP WITH IT - sure you will feel like a stranger on the first meet-up but after that I gaurantee you will have PROPER mates to go clubbing with regularly and ITS THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD! I just wish I worked with all these wonderful people as well as clubbed with them - we would get SO much done it would be amazing.


I AM working towards getting us all jobs in our own company and our own shared-manshion for house parties - its difficult but IS achievable - especially if the national lottery comes up trumps - not that I ever play it!


I can tell you are going to be a KEY member and I'm well [Well Happy]


Top marks for registering - you KNOW its gonna pay off !!!!!!!!!



CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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jeez, that was some speil James - think i'm gonna like it here!! [sun][Happy]

ok then, if you twist my arm....

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I prefer to do the crawling at the end of the night!! [Happy]

ok then, if you twist my arm....

  • CTW Promotors

Creamy & garage - wot a lovely combination!

Jilly - i prefer to crawl at the end of the night too!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Members

Hi Jilly - nice to meet ya - til january i only went to crap cheesey clubs til i discovered this n mixmag now i get withdrawal symptoms if i don't go to a big club with bangin music at least once a week!!! Peach at Camden has become my regular local!!! Joining here's the best thing u could do [Well Happy][Well Happy][Well Happy] Let us know when u move down to London and we'll show u round the best clubs!! [Well Happy]

  • CTW Promotors

Jilly - will u be moved down to London in time for Tidy london on the 3rd?

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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nice one Bunykins, i'll look forward to it!! [Well Happy] Moving down on the 6th but working the first couple of weekends [Confused][Confused] , wouldn't completely rule out going out anyway though!!


Sadly Sarah wont make Tidy London - working again!!Honestly I am such a sad-case!! :(Just means that when I'm off I make the most of it!! [Well Happy][Well Happy]


Good news is that I actually appear to be off over the whole Tidy Weekender, there is a God!! [Happy][Happy]

ok then, if you twist my arm....

  • CTW Promotors

Yes! Another Tidy Weekender candidate! At this rate we will be taking over the WHOLE camp! [shocking]

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Promotors

Hi Jilly! Welcome to CTW!

We can arrange to meet u somewhere on the day before Global Gathering. We usually meet for lunch somewhere to get to know people a bit. But u can def hang around with us as much as u want!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Admin

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Clubbing the world together ...

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