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Hi to all you clubbers!!!


I'm a little older than your average club bunny, 30!!!!


New on the scene, have been out of the club scene for a few years, relationship issues, you know the score!!!


Hope to meet some new friends and have some wild nights out!!!


Plan on spending a few weeks or maybe a couple of months in Ibeeeeeefer, all depends on the dosh, anyone interested in getting together for a wild time m or f drop me a line and lets get this party started!!!!


See y'all


Space Funky [MultiColour][MultiColour]

It's better to say i did, than i wish !!!

  • CTW Members

Hiya Space Funky [Wavey][Wavey]


Welcome to CTW! [Happy]

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Hope some of you seasoned clubbers can ease me back into the grind. Already starting to feel a bit on the awkward side, ya know, going to a few of the upcoming events on your own is a pretty daunting experience!!!


Be nice to meet up with a few of you.


outta here!!!


Space Funky [MultiColour][MultiColour]

It's better to say i did, than i wish !!!

  • CTW Members

[Wavey] welcome to CTW mr funky...there a good bunch a peepz on ere..they'll sort u out with gettin back onto the club scene or sortin u out for mad nights/weekends out etc..enjoy the ride

*and keep ur arms legs and all other sticky outty things inside the cart* hmm [Razz]

Email : xxkinkykellxx@aol.com
MSN :xxkinkykellxx@hotmail.com
Mob : 07732357014

*Eat Smarties..Wear Pat Butcher earrings.. and romp with naked sumo wrestlers..

  • CTW Members

Hi there and welcome to ClubTheWorld.uk!


AJ @ OTT (grumpy tho happy)

Over The Top entertainment
DJ Agency & Artist Management
MSN - info@ott-entertainment.co.uk
MSN - ajfrench@hotmail.com
ICQ - 95166862

Paul Stevens (El Divino & Space), Agnelli & Nelson, Ali Wilson, Matt Smallwood, and many more...

  • CTW Promotors

Hiya! I am too a mature clubber! But plenty of life left in me yet!!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Members

You aint too mature!


I always say to myself "I may be growing older, but I refuse to grow up"



Over The Top entertainment
DJ Agency & Artist Management
MSN - info@ott-entertainment.co.uk
MSN - ajfrench@hotmail.com
ICQ - 95166862

Paul Stevens (El Divino & Space), Agnelli & Nelson, Ali Wilson, Matt Smallwood, and many more...

  • CTW Members

Hello Mr. Space Munky [Wavey]

Don't worry aboot it, you're only just in front of me, age-wise !

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

  • CTW Members

hey there Funky One!! [Wavey]


Relationships do get in the way of enjoying urself don't they!! i too am dying to put my energies into something more worthwhile - serious nights out!!! [Well Happy][Well Happy]


u going to GKGG?? I've not met this lot either so would be cool to have other newbies there but, let's face it - it's going to be rather cool anyway!! [Well Happy]


See ya soon!! [Wavey]

ok then, if you twist my arm....

  • CTW Members

Another 30 year old who still likes to lose the plot!


Just joined myself and it seems to be a spot on site




xD [shocking]

  • CTW Members

hey mr space funky and everyone else!! [Happy]


is there a secret i should know about, if i want to still be dancin my little socks off when i'm 30?

Keep on smilin people



  • CTW Admin

Hiya SpaceFunky - I'm 30 also and like you been out of the scene for a while due to marriage/divroce - so now back with avengence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Welcome mate, WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!



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  • CTW Members

Hiya spacefunky....same story as james....married/divorced, best years wasted but roll on the rest! Im new too and am dreddin havin to go to some major events this summer on my tod.

This bunch sound pretty cool and friendly...Are you goin to GKGG and/or Creamfields?

Dance hard, work less, play tomorrow and sleep the next day

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