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Tara, power_slough... Thanks, sure I'll fit in just nicly (with my new waxed ass I'll slip in anywhere!) CreamyC - full of milky goodness?! HI!


Mitz, "Hair removal is a popular topic too!" Grooovy, lets totally wax me, then I could shoot through water like a bullet *foooom!* "There goes Aerodynamic boy!" dun dudunnn!!


"and kiss [Kiss] "

Steady... people might think we know each other and catch on!! hehehe (",)


Heres a big *snog* for everyone cus I'm fackin sick and covered in evil germs... bleugh!


Whooo wraaar, kung fu!  -


[ 13 August 2002, 12:15: Message edited by: Ross.Rocks ]

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hehehe, thanks girly girl...


Hope I'll see some of you ravers at Polysexual Vs Insomz, after careful consideration I've decided the lineup is the dogs bollocks and wouldnt miss it for sex!!!



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Another Midlander!


Belated welcome for ya here [Happy]


Where do ya get all those quality smiley/gremlin thingys mate?


Love the Kung Fu one [LoveFace]

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Gonna try do Nocturnal, SunnyD norf then Polysex.Vs.SomZ but that all depends on fundage!


Plus its about time I took a break as I dont remember having a weekend off since I started clubbin!!


Thats 6 years without puttin my feet up hehe!!

SHEEESH! [Happy]


So I'll either be out in full force or fat and lazy with my feet up, a fat smoke and a good porno! [Wink]


Look out for me tho wont cha!

(ugly mug shot in my profile!)

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Hiya Ross Rocks


Welcome to CTW [Wavey]

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Easy geeza (or geeza bird!) [Happy]


So where ya from? Near Cov right... I'm from Cov (yeah well we all have a cross to bear right!)


The Smileys I nabbed from the Nocturnal website


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Hi Ross! Heres some more smilies for ya........









[ 20 August 2002, 10:37: Message edited by: SarahPvc ]

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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