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  • CTW Members

well me and me ickle muscles (just ask fish) have moved the centre of the universe so it centres around you.

tell me about this conversation you had with your ex last nite. sounds interesting.

and what did you wear to bed, thats also interesting [Wink]

I got yours right here.

  • CTW Members

haha. i am glad to be back in the centre. its such a good place to be.


my ex is a twat, i only went on a few dates with him, i only slept with him once aswell. and he became all obsessed and wanted to know where i was or be with me every second, and i dont like this. so i told him that i had got back with my ex and iw as sorry, he started calling me alll the names under the sun (excpet speedy gonzalez - cos that wud just not have ny relevance, and i dont talk about speedy gonzlaez anyway cos the last time i saw it i was 10, and i was dancing round my room to the theme tune and i threw up all voer, brown it was, from chocolate) anyway he started being funny and i saw him in a club, and he pinned me against the wall and had hold of me by my neck. so he had left his new shirt at my house, so i took it back and swapped it for a top for me! end of relationsip! but he is still kind of obsessed and called me a user! IM SUCH A USER - YEH BABY YEH!

by the way i wear nothing but my knickers to bed, i dont know why i wear them but i dont like tobe nudie incase my mam or someone walks in and they have my beckham in their face. hahaha



clubber with a passion

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you have a beckham. i gotta see that [Wink]

i wouldnt mind sleeping in a pair of your knickers. youll have to post me some [Well Happy]

you swap'd his shirt for something for yourself. i like your style.

what you doin now then?

I got yours right here.

  • CTW Members

i am at work...an about to go into town and get some photos developed. i only got 1 more week of this shithole then im working in a hotel! on reception! will be more interesting than this secretary in cumputer place. what u up to???

clubber with a passion

  • CTW DJs

Sat at my desk, doing f^ck all work whilst talking on about 3 message boards, plus sending emails, and editing the news section on boogietown.net

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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here is a pic of me and my bestest friend in the whole widest of worlds, sam

me and sam

im at my mums house rite now.

i work nites. in a boringer computer place. its shite.

wish i could leave in a week.

I got yours right here.

  • CTW DJs


Originally posted by whatisbeak:

well thats daft

if you click on the bit that says "me and sam" it should link you to a page.

Very nice!


(bird's not bad either [Wink] )

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Members

Cool pic Beak ! Haven't seem Sam for a while - it has been to long, we had such a crack in ours that night ! [Agreed]


You will not go to sleep, every time you try todrift off, you will smell a fishy aroma and you will not be able to think of anything else, except the wonderful fish ! [shocking]


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