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  • CTW Members


Hello all...


Wot the fuck's going on, its all changed since i last visited this site... I like it... Except the fact it didn't rem me, use 2 b jump123 for all those who rem me...

So how the devil r ya all... is we all looking 4ward 2 SE1 this sat...?


Rich...! tongue.gif

  • CTW Members

hello there


(i used to be luu_luu)


the site went down for a few weeks so james started a new board....int it posh grin.gif


everyones profiles/posts....infact everything went sad.gif


but were back, and so are you now yay.gif


welcome back thumbsup.gif

  • CTW Members
Ive been rackin my head all day tryin to remember you but for the life of me....fuck it its gone!!! Hi tho tongue.gif
  • Author
  • CTW Members


Hello Hello...


o rite i do recall tryin 2 come on ere n avin probs, ave many peeps changed there user names... Yeah it very posh, like i said like it, c every1s stil just as friendly... i do rem lou-lou posts but dunno as i've met ya... did u go on the hyde park meet up... as 4 enigmaUK dont rem ya but hi anyway...!



  • CTW Members

nah i didnt, was going to but things came up.


im going WC this sat if your going?


theres a few that have changed there names



  • CTW Promotors

hiya Jump, used to be miss diddy tongue.gif welcome back & yes really looking forward to sat yay.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

Hoy hoy, think I remember u, but not sure. unsure.gif

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

  • CTW Members

Hi ya Jump ... was a good day at hyde park weren't it wink.gif








  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Louise @ Mar 18 2004, 20:01)
int it posh grin.gif

luu is still trying to figure out which set of knifes & forks to use smile.gif*



















*note: I'm likening the site to a dinner table. the old site was 'shit' and only had a plastic spoon. this site is new and lovely and has 8 sets of knives and forks cos it's 'poesh' innit. by the way you should start from the outside, and work inwards, apparently. fank oo.

  • CTW Members

omg, Jump, i remember you. heyya how r u smile.gif

  • CTW DJs
QUOTE (Jump @ Mar 18 2004, 19:57)
Hello all...

Wot the fuck's going on, its all changed since i last visited this site... I like it... Except the fact it didn't rem me, use 2 b jump123 for all those who rem me...
So how the devil r ya all... is we all looking 4ward 2 SE1 this sat...?

Rich...! tongue.gif

aup mate - how are you


i'm mr happy. i think we've met more than once, but deffo remember chatting to you at hyde park.


how comes you've left it sooo long?

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Mr_Happy @ Mar 18 2004, 21:59)

how comes you've left it sooo long?

he didnt like the free for all orgy it was before. now it's nice and civilised on here, and everybody is polite, and well behaved (except for b. rostwood the c***), he's feels it's useable.

  • CTW Members

what forums have you been reading Phill raa dry.gif

Iv Come Here Today To Chew Bubblegum And
Kick Ass And Im All Outta Bubblegum :wink:

  • CTW Members

your eyes look a bit like ping pong balls unsure.gifwub.gif

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