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"Thanks Sophie !"

My review on Ibiza 2002! ...

Pics up soon!!!!!

Saturday 13th

As soon as we got there what more can I say but beach!……. in the evening me and @Tara weren’t sure what we were gonna do, so we met up with @disco-stu and his mate mike of the site, what can I say about these 2…. Two very TOP people! Two of the nicest people I have been out with in ages and to be honest miss not going out with them now im home! We met them at café del mar…. I loved this bar! Its so chilled out! If I had the money I would buy it and live there!!!

We decided to have a night in the west end, just to get our bearings! We ended up going to what was the best club in terms of music that I went to all night! I fucking LOVED IT to put it bluntly! And I am sure Tara will tell you how much! Cos I don’t think she ever saw me dance so mental before!!

The club itself, is called Play 2 the music was the best Trance I ever heard! Plus it was free so was an added bonus! When you go to Ibiza this is a definite place to go!

Sunday 14th - Judgement Sunday @Eden

Was expecting a top night out… but……

I loved Eden was such a cool venue! However Judge Jules was absolute bollocks! And so was Ferry Corsten! couldn't believe it and it really pissed me off! Judge Jules was the worst I had ever heard! It was like Drum & Base mixed in with Trance! It was well weird shit!

Also there were a group of about 30 Scottish lads, one of whom Tara got on with he was ok, his mates did nothing but fuck me off all night! There chat up lines were shit! And if they thought I was gonna pull a drunken larger lout, then they had another thing coming!! Euuuugggghhh! Anyway I got so pissed off by the crap music and the annoying men that I decided to leg it at about 5 am!! I walked home on my own….HOW MAD WAS I????? Anyway I get chatting to these 2 lads who were so genuine! I gave um a CTW card and got there number so they are gonna meet up with me they came from Harlow. They walked me the whole way back to my hotel cos they thought I was gonna get raped or something, they were really top people!

I also met this really cool guy called Peter, and his girlfriend, this was weird as every where I went we seamed to bump into each other! :grouphug:

Monday 15th - Manumission @Privilege

Well what can I say…. This was fucking mental! NEVER EVER been to something like this before!

It was like massive!!!!!! I was even given a map to where everything was in the club! It was so mental! What’s with the swimming pool????? I couldn’t get over it! As for the actual manumission event I did think it was over rated! Very weird and strange! And it was even stranger that we had a full blown power cut half way through for about an hour!

Out of ten thousand people, we bumped into auzzi cam and his mates! Cant believe he even spotted me! He was a top person and it’s a shame we couldn’t meet up or go out afterwards!

The craziest funniest thing was the dj in the toilet! :confused: This was totally mental, but I fucking loved it!!!!! There were people actually dancing in the toilet! And I was one of them!!!!!

Me and Tara were gonna go to space afterwards, but we were so bloody knackered I really couldn’t be arsed!

Tuesday 16th

Tonight I quite wanted a quiet one! So I went off to the garlands party, after the shocking news, I went to get you guys some pics as a kind of remembrance thing! This was again one of my best nights out! I met some lovely lovely people there and gave out a shit load of CTW cards! The music… fucking AMAZING!!!! I think I rang @James that night about 15 times just so he could hear what the music was like! I reckon he must have got well pissed off with me!!! (oh well!) :laugh:

Again, here I met up with Peter and his girlfriend, 2 lovely people!

I eventually got in and in bed at about 3 30 am!

@Tara went to Godskitchen with the guys… review to come??!

Wednesday 17th - Es Paradise - Slink

I got really burnt!!!!!! That’s all I can say about the day time! I was well fucked of cos I was burnt!

We went to Es Paradise for the Slinky event, this was the best night I had in Ibiza! The club was a fantastic venue and the music was fantastic! I would like to try and arrange a time for us all to go to the slinky event in Bournemouth cos the music was top quality! I absolutely love it! :star:

Me and Tara got in at about 7 and munched are way through 2 pots of Pringles before sleeping! :laugh:

Thursday 18th - Cream @Amnesia :sad:

Tara and disco stu loved this night, but all I can say is.. a waste of money! I thought the club was awful, and they packed so many of us in there we were like sardines! Mike and me did dent really enjoy ourselves at this one and to be honest I thought I was the worst overrated night out I had been on!

Tara can say more on this one cos I hated it!

The only good thing about this night was the fact I swear I saw j-lo in front of me, but I cant work out if it was her or not! Looked very similar!

Friday 20th

Me and Tara were knackered all day and were so lazy we got up at about 8 pm, walked around the shops, and then got home for 1ish then went to bed! We got kept up all night buy some drunken very annoying boys. But im not saying more on this matter cos I will get annoyed! They really pissed us off so we did dent sleep till about 4 am and had to be up at 8 for the plane!

Saturday 21st

Home, and bloody knackered! Pissed off cos @James was nasty to me as soon as I got home so I have now ended up sat at my PC writing this review and balling me eyes out! :cry: I don’t wanna be in England! And I am considering not going to uni and just taking a year out to work and then moving and living in Ibiza!

Ibiza gave me a shit load of time to think about life…. Not going into it all or anything, but I am warning you all now, I WILL BE CHANGING! There's a lot about me and my life I absolutely hate, and I've just realised it! You will all see a dramatic change with me so be warned! Im not the innocent quiet person you all think I am!.

Hopefully I will be able to get the pics up ASAP! I gotta scan 100 pics in so bear with me people!

@James - do you want me to put the photos onto a CD and give them to you that way as it will take me days to email them, plus then I can put them all in order!???


X :wavey: X


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Hiya Soph - great to see u back - great review, I really wish i was going 4 2 weeks coz as u said the smaller clubs r prob worth checking out too, but a lot is down as u said to the peeps in there - if peeps piss u off even a bangin place can seem bad - like i go to Peach every fri now - sometimes the music takes a while to get going but there's soo any great people to chat to it's more a social thing like the pub i guess 4 me so it doesn't always matter if the musics a bit naff.

I see where ur coming from about uni - if it seems rite - DO IT!!! I thought i'd regret packing in my job jsut coz i didn't like it - but i don't - i've done loads of thinking the last 2 weeks and been happiest in ages not having to go to that dump called work everyday - just working sundays suits me fine rite now and i'm gonna hopefully get something nicer when we get back Ibiza - jsut enjoying rest of summer 4 now - god i really needed the break after working 6 - 7 day week and fitting some serious clubbin in too, well 1 had to go and it def wasn't gonna be the clubbin :smile: anyways c ya @ Global ☀️

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" I don’t wanna be in England! And I am considering not going to uni and just taking a year out to work and then moving and living in Ibiza!

Ibiza gave me a [censored] load of time to think about life…. Not going into it all or anything, but I am warning you all now, I WILL BE CHANGING! Theres allot about me and my life I absolutely hate, and ive just realised it! "




i know just what you mean! i felt just the same when i got back!!! (i went the week b4 you). things here now seem pointless.... even the global gathering. so the tickets have been sold. i have found out i have to work that day but im not really bothered cause im just not in the mood. i loved every min of ibiza esp thurs night at cream ... those memories from that night will stay with me forever....the memories from the whole week will!!!

the island really is magical... im missing everything about it and all the people i met... i wanna be there!!!!! :grumpy:

dreaming of paradise

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Hi @Sophie

Top review - gold stars all round!!  I suppose living and working there would be different to being on holiday - there would still be shit to deal with i suppose, just different shit!!!

There's loads i don't like about my life too - mainly the fact that most of my weekends have, up until now i hope, been spent doing stuff i just don't really enjoy! icon_smile_sad.gif So i'm setting about changing things- hopefully CTW can help, oh yeah and i'm moving to the opposite end of the country!! :smile::smile:

I'll let u know if "new starts" are all they're cracked up to be!! :confused:

ok then, if you twist my arm....

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jilly - godd on ya!


all i can say is a new start is exactly what i need!!!!! i cant wait for so many things now!!!


where abouts do you live???? you are so on the same wavelength as me!! do you have msn????


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Soph, good to speak to someone similar - i think- we might want to scratch each other's eye's out in real life!!! [Kitty]


u going to GKGG?? Will be cool to meet up and swap pie in the sky ideas if u r!!


Otherwise i'm moving down to london aug 6 - big scary place but looking forward, never back!!!! [Happy][Confused][Happy]

ok then, if you twist my arm....

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The Aussie boys got back yesterday and are currently working on finding out where they left their brains cause they certainly didn't come back with us! Nice to meet you Soph and Tara. Apologies for my state at the time.

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Originally posted by jilly:

Soph, good to speak to someone similar - i think- we might want to scratch each other's eye's out in real life!!!


u going to GKGG?? Will be cool to meet up and swap pie in the sky ideas if u r!!


Otherwise i'm moving down to london aug 6 - big scary place but looking forward, never back!!!!

hi ya! im not going to gkgg! [Crying]


but i am also moving to london in september! so hopefully when you come down here we can catch up, go out, get to know each other!


god i sound like i have know friends!!!???? [Laugh]


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absolutely - look forward to meeting u!!!


u can never have too many friends!!! [Happy][Happy][Happy]

ok then, if you twist my arm....

  • ClubTheWorld changed the title to Sophie's Ibiza Review (13th - 21st July 2002)

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