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could all ladies raise there hands (or one of them at least)

*points to crowd*

..them rox my sox (wtf, is that even grammatically correct. is that even a real word)

ive only met garlands ladies and as jim royle says "never [censored] on your own dorrstep"

[Roll Eyes]

I got yours right here.

  • CTW Members

So if everyones knows why dont you say?? or are you waiting to hear it from the Man himself!? [angel]

  • CTW DJs


Originally posted by Dakers:

I love myself (at least twice a day!

Self love is alive and well people... and the right hand doesn't complain about size or duration, nor that I fall asleep without discussion....


So I rock my socks!

Trying lying on your hand til it goes numb - feels like someone else doing it then!

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW DJs


Originally posted by Dakers:

I think I'm the last person that you need to tell about such matters!


Watched those CD's yet? You might need the DivX Codec for the movie-length ones.... and maybe some tissues and screen-wipes....

Two of the cd's have picked up some crap from inside my bag (cos they weren't in cases for the journey home)


BTW - wicked choice of file names on CD#3.....descriptive and to the point


(particularly "Anal Orgy Blonde cum over mouth.MPEG" [Laugh] )

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW DJs

whats wrong with discussing it? at least i'm not broadcasting it via my webcam on the net... well there was that one time with KinkyKell... but I've cleaned most of that up, even though I think I've scarred her for life now....


And Wubster, a damp flannel and some pvc piping make a convincing replica once you've practised long enough! [Wink]

Email & MSN: pdb_1@hotmail.com
Mob: 07788 133678
Only Smart-E's have the answer!

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Well well well, this forum has progressed since I lasty visited it! Now, let me make one thing clear, I have NOT, repeat N-O-T bottled anything! Some of you may know, some of you may not, some of you may think you know but dont actually know Jackanory! For many months Lia (-B) has come into the equasion of things, no matter what I posted the more older members used to say I fancied Lia (-B) without I might add asking me whether I did or not! The question you are all dying to know is "Is it Lia (-B) or not?"


Well, its come to a head now and to be honest I think I've milked this for all its worth so its time to come clean, congratulations on those people that guessed, bad luck to those who thought James rocked my socks (by the way thats how this post should've been written!) Sophie would've had kittens had it of been him!


Its time.....


The moment of truth......


The person that truly "rox my sox" is in fact.......

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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