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I do get some odd replies to my face party profile but this has to be one of the strangest yet!! just got it up as about to log off here - thought i'd share it wiv ya all!!

Does anyone else get any strange requests they'd like to share!!!?


Sender Name : rmplp

Subject : Hi there:) Are you a free spirit?

Date Sent : 20 August 2002 at 20:24


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rmplp says...


You may think this is nuts, but her goes:)


I am looking for an attractive woman like your self to take shopping for lingerie and outfits to wear for when you go out with your mates or other men. Would you be into this?


Are you free to go shopping?


Rob xxx

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I got that one too!!!!!!!!

I replied to it and this is what I got:


I will try and clear up the confusion:)


I love taking a woman shopping knowing that she will be wearing what I buy for her own and another mans pleasure.

I love seeing or knowing the person I am going out with in the arms of a another man from time to time.

I also love bieng humilaited in public so maybe you could hold lingerie and dresses up against me when we go shopping?


Can I phone you?


ROb xxx



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Then I replied like this:


I'm still a tad confused. I'm a sweet and innocent young girlie, these things arent obvious to me. presumably you want somehting in return for the shopping, such as sex. And how come u like this?


And got this:


Freindship and shopping would be first and most important. Sex if there was an attraction and it was mutual.


My number is 07947 800049. Or maybe I could call you. No strings or expectations...ellets speak to iron ou any confusion:)


rob xxx


As u can see, was really interested in the shopping part, but somehow I don't buy it....

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Fuckin Pervert !

What a weirdo !

I like being humiliated in public, so hold lingerie up against me, [Laugh] , twat !

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He sounds like a wierd pervy psycho to me!


"I like being humiliated in public" - what the [censored]????


Likes it HARD!!!!


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I reckon next time we all want some new undies we should ring him and all go out together!!! well if he's willing to pay........!!! [Laugh][Laugh]

maybe he'd take us all to cyberdog [idea][Laugh][Laugh]

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I think we should - safety in numbers in all! With loads of gorgeous girls I'm sure he'd have a field day!

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yeh and we'd all get some nice new undies and hopefully some cybergear [Laugh][Laugh]

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go on do it! it'll be funny!

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LMAO i just rang and said "u mssgd me on face party" and he said "oh hi, how are you? You look great on your other phots's" As if he knew me...i didnt even say a fookin name!!


He apparantly likes the humiliation cos his ex had a bit on the side and she'd make it clear to him she was shoppin for stuff for him and also makin him sleep on couch whenshe brought men home but he prefers it in public!! [Confused]


Made my excuses and left quite soon ionto call tho!! [Agreed]


OKkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaay!! Whatever floats ur boat mr!! [Crazy]


Sorry had to fone to find out why he'd do that lmao!! [Laugh]

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