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  • CTW Promotors

Totally & Utterly Fantastic!! All you lot that didnt go missed the best Sundissential that has ever been! Top atmosphere, top tunes, top people!

Stryker - was top to see you even if u kept taking the piss!

Tidy Girl - was nice to meet you in person - shame we only met 5 mins before the end!!

Pablo - thanks for looking after me all night! At least we both walked out of the after club ok!

Oddball - caught a few glimpses of u here & there!

Anyone else ive missed off here - i'll say HI now instead! smile.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Members

nice 2 met u 2 hun...


had a wikid time at norf... didint get over messy so i can kinda remember most of it! laugh.gif


went 2 the after party at the mint club after but tat wasnt very good at all....


still, top nite had by all ime sure! smile.gif

keep life simple then u neva get dropped from a great height.

  • CTW Members

absolutely fantastic! grin.gif


only my 2nd SSNorth and it was wicked. seemed a bit darker in there this time and the lasers were dazzling!


jez & charlie really impressed me, banging out some storming tunes that quite literally fried my brain! crazy.gif lashes and tissera were their formidable selves smile.gif and the god farley set the place on fire with TDV 'Are you all ready?'


great atmosphere in there again, seems like the same crowd go every month - top people.


Didn't really get to meet any ClubtheWorlder's in there. Only saw Sarahpvc briefly, to be honest i was too wired to know who i was! so trying to find other people in there was a mission! managed to meet some of the 4clubber crew which was good.


Hopefully i'll see you all there next month tongue.gif


i have 104 friends

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