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Fill in the questions and it tells you what kind of thinker you are. I think it's pretty close to saying how you think. I'm an Existential thinker.


Existential thinkers:


Like to spend time thinking about philosophical issues such as "What is the meaning of life?"


Try to see beyond the 'here and now', and understand deeper meanings

consider moral and ethical implications of problems as well as practical solutions


Other Existential Thinkers include

The Buddha, Gandhi, Plato, Socrates, Martin Luther King


Careers which suit Existential Thinkers include

Philosopher, Religious leader, Head of state, Artist, Writer


Like existential thinkers, Leonardo questioned man's role in the universe. Many of his paintings explored the relationship between man and God.

  • CTW Members

im sorry but...................i dont get it huh.gifhuh.gif

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No link............

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QUOTE (Scream @ Mar 19 2004, 10:16)
LOL, just fill in the questionaire hun

what questionair blink.gif

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You are a Logical-Mathematical Thinker

Logical-Mathematical thinkers:

Like to understand patterns and relationships between objects or actions

Try to understand the world in terms of causes and effects

Are good at thinking critically, and solving problems creatively


Like Logical-Mathematical thinkers, Leonardo based his theories on evidence rather than speculation. Other Logical-Mathematical Thinkers include

Isaac Newton, Archimedes, Albert Einstein


Careers which suit Logical-Mathematical thinkers include

Physicist, Chemist, Biologist, Lawyer, Computer programmer, Engineer, Inventor




You are an Interpersonal Thinker

Interpersonal thinkers:

Like to think about other people, and try to understand them

Recognise differences between individuals and appreciate that different people have different perspectives

Make an effort to cultivate effective relationships with family, friends and colleagues


Like interpersonal thinkers, Leonardo had lots of friends and contacts, and was a popular figure at the Italian court. Other Interpersonal thinkers include

Winston Churchill, Mother Teresa, William Shakespeare


Careers which suit Interpersonal thinkers include

Politician, Psychologist, Nurse, Counsellor, Teacher



Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

What kind of thinker are you?



For many years, people used IQ tests to try and determine someone’s intelligence. However, some researchers believe that IQ tests do not take into account the fact that different people might think in different ways, and have different strengths and weaknesses.


Most people would agree that Mozart was a genius - but Mozart would probably have struggled with Einstein’s theories just like the rest of us. This doesn’t mean that one man was more clever than the other – they just thought in very different ways.


Many psychologists now believe that what we call intelligence can be subdivided into different categories, all of which can all be measured independently. Different kinds of thinking are needed to solve different problems.





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click the next page button louise, it's on the next page that it tells you.

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Quite surprised at this outcome!


You are a Musical Thinker


Musical thinkers:

Tend to think in sounds, and may also think in rhythms and melodies

Are sensitive to the sounds and rhythms of words as well as their meanings.

Feel a strong connection between music and emotions


Like many musical thinkers, Leonardo loved to sing, and had a fine voice Other Musical Thinkers include

Mozart, John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix


Careers which suit Musical Thinkers include

Musician, Music teacher, Sound engineer, Recording technician


  • CTW DJs

oh god, i wonder why i've got this one:



Musical thinkers:

Tend to think in sounds, and may also think in rhythms and melodies

Are sensitive to the sounds and rhythms of words as well as their meanings.

Feel a strong connection between music and emotions


Like many musical thinkers, Leonardo loved to sing, and had a fine voice Other Musical Thinkers include

Mozart, John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix


Careers which suit Musical Thinkers include

Musician, Music teacher, Sound engineer, Recording technician


always there for the beer, but not wanting to pay!!

Mobile number: 07990 - 936181 (bannanas 'r' us)
e-mail: hunter@merseymail.com
or: Mulder_1971@hotmail.com

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Some people have a strong preference for one style of thinking, and find some skills come more naturally than others. Other people tend to adopt different thinking styles in different situations.


This test gives you an idea of what your current thinking style or styles are. But remember - the brain is a very adaptive organ. You should be able to improve your performance in any one of these categories with practice. The Renaissance ideal


The leading thinkers of the Renaissance were not just experts in their own field. The renaissance scholar was expected to master all branches of knowledge.


With his insatiable desire to know everything, Leonardo da Vinci is often held up as the ideal Renaissance man.




You are an Intrapersonal thinker

Intrapersonal thinkers:

Spend a lot of time thinking about and trying to understand themselves

Reflect on their thoughts and moods, and work to improve them

You understand how your behaviour affects your relationships with others


Like intrapersonal thinkers, Leonardo worked hard to improve all aspects of himself. Other Intrapersonal thinkers include

Sigmund Freud, Gandhi, Grahame Greene


Careers which suit Intrapersonal Thinkers include

Psychologist, Teacher, Pilot, Child care worker, Explorer, Drama therapist




  • CTW Members

Interpersonal thinkers:

Like to think about other people, and try to understand them

Recognise differences between individuals and appreciate that different people have different perspectives

Make an effort to cultivate effective relationships with family, friends and colleagues


Like interpersonal thinkers, Leonardo had lots of friends and contacts, and was a popular figure at the Italian court. Other Interpersonal thinkers include

Winston Churchill, Mother Teresa, William Shakespeare


Careers which suit Interpersonal thinkers include

Politician, Psychologist, Nurse, Counsellor, Teacher



  • CTW Members

Apparently I'm a mixture of two!


Interpersonal thinkers:

Like to think about other people, and try to understand them

Recognise differences between individuals and appreciate that different people have different perspectives

Make an effort to cultivate effective relationships with family, friends and colleagues


Other Interpersonal thinkers include

Winston Churchill, Mother Teresa, William Shakespeare


Careers which suit Interpersonal thinkers include

Politician, Psychologist, Nurse, Counsellor, Teacher


Intrapersonal thinkers:

Spend a lot of time thinking about and trying to understand themselves

Reflect on their thoughts and moods, and work to improve them

You understand how your behaviour affects your relationships with others


Other Intrapersonal thinkers include

Sigmund Freud, Gandhi, Grahame Greene


Careers which suit Intrapersonal Thinkers include

Psychologist, Teacher, Pilot, Child care worker, Explorer, Drama therapist


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