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  • CTW DJs

Hope everyone had a wicked time. smile.gif

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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Glad you caned it good and proper hun! Did Els have a good time to?


I haven't heard from her since Tuesday night. frown.gif

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Promotors

Met up with her sunday night in bar M, wed at Garlands & briefly on thurs after we had been to Tonic & her & bunnykins had been to Cream - think they said it was crap!!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW DJs

hehehe.....poor girl must be knackered.


I was thinking of giving her a ring, but she gets cranky if I wake her up sometimes.



Glad you and the guys had a good time - heard Mister Ray was something of a pulling machine out there?

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Promotors

Fred the Baddie was the pulling machine!! Creamy said he saw Ellie on the beach yesterday & she was knackered - i dont think they had much sleep. - like us all!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Members

Hiya! Elly's phone had no credit n the call boxes were crap but sh'es prob got in touch wiv ya by now - I had to [censored] 2day - been feelin absolutely dead and completely [censored] due to pretty devasting news i got from back home on the fri so i won't b posting much here as not in rite frame of mind rite now frown.gif

  • CTW Members

Hi Wub Wub


Thanks I had the week of my life got back early this morning... and I'd like to have a face to face chat with peeps that say Ibiza is finished... they want to see the faces of all the passengers on my plane last night and see what it meant to people... god I'm so glad I booked tomorrow off [censored]. Feels like I done a month in one week but worth every minute of it.


Met quite a few of the clan there which was such as buzz as well especially when it happened in the club on the first night shame I missed meeting you SarahPvc hopefully meet another time.


As for the antiks of the lads pulling power down the west end I'm keeping stum... but I did overhear some girls commenting oneday on how CreamyC was "the Ibizian David Hasselhoff".

  • CTW Members

Alright Sarah... my name is Mark by the way smile.gif


I missed Saturday night as I didnt arrive till like 4am!




Sun: Judgement Sunday @ Eden


Mon: wanted to go to Tribe of Frog and messed it all up when couldnt get out to the place which was out in the middle of no where! frown.gif


Tues: Rennaisance @ Amnesia


Wed: Retro @ Eden


Thurs: Creme @ Amnesia


Fri: Xtravaganze @ Privilege


I'm going to right down a diary of my week today it really was probably I'll probably put a shortened version on here it would be good if we all did and what we thought of most of the nights.




  • CTW Members

Hey all, hada wicked time in Ibiza although I didn't see most of the CTW crew as much as I expected.


Big thumbs up to Jon, Tasha, Elly, Sarah PVC for making it out to a proper club almost every night, thats what Ibiza's all about.


I would like to say that James, Creamy and Ray, if you wanted to go on holiday to pull girls maybe you shoulda' gone to Tenerife or somewhere cheaper. I don't see the point in going somewhere like Ibiza and spending nearly every night in the west end. You guys obviously didn't seem to be there for the clubbing, and the excuses you gave were PATHETIC.

James you should consider why you run a site called "club the world" when you don't actually do that......


I had a great holiday, I just wish that the rest of the CTW crew had been out to share it with us.

  • CTW Members

Sounds like you had a wicked time!! what was your best Ibiza Moment? everyones got one!

  • CTW Members

have to agree with you about the west end Tara I couldnt spend more than 5 minutes in the place... maybe it's just me getting old... or maybe it was just the place was full of abnoxious piss heads who's idea of ibiza was it about going to one of the little shitty nightclubs in the west end where they can pour loads of cheap booze down there neck and chat up a half unconcious slapper.


Every night I had was memorable from start to finish I met the most friendliest and interesting people ever in the clubs much better than getting pissed out of your head pulling a bird (I use the word losely) and having (if your lucky) a memorable 10 minutes of the night. smile.gif



  • CTW Members

There are some quite cool places in the west end Tara, Especially that that little club that played banging trance til 6am.


Just because you dont pay £30 to get in somewhere doesn't mean its not a club..


I say let Fred, Creamy and James do whatever the [censored] they want on holiday......It is THEIR holiday after all....



no sleep 'till bedrock!!

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