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Indeed. The spending money is directly proportional to the messiness!!



WAIT......We can't stop here - this is bat country!

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James- I'm only trying to be honest with you but:


1. If you couldn't afford to go to Ibiza why did you go in the first place?


2. You knew you were coming months in advance so why didn't you try and save enough money so you could appreciate Ibiza properly?


3. If you couldn't afford the clubs, how come you could afford to blow loads of money on drugs? That costs just as much as the clubs, if I had the choice between chemicals and clubbing, the clubbing would always come first.


4. Why did you buy all your drinks at Bar M (which is v.expensive) when you can buy drinks down the west end (or even next door!) for much cheaper? I thought Bar M was meant to be a meeting point and not where the entire week was to be spent. No wonder you had no money!


5. The fact that you didn't bother paying entry to the clubs, after finding out your name wasn't on the guest list, seems to show that you were not really interested in the clubbing. A true clubber would not miss out and you should have expected to pay high prices for entry.


6. You were obviously in Ibiza for a "lads holiday" so you could pull and get pissed. Fair enough, but please do not arrange to meet people and not turn up. It is not hard to send a text or quick call.


7. I understand that this is your holiday (and not centred around what I want!) but I just expected you guys to be a bit more reliable and I thought that club the world was about finding reliable clubbing mates.


James, I'm sorry if this seems harse but as I said, I will always be entirely honest with you.

I had a great week and don't regret a thing, I went to every event and whether it turned out good or bad, at least I was there to find out. Its a shame you can't say the same.



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Hi sarah and pete, thanks. At the back of my mind I was thinking it would be closer to a grand. So it's not really much of a surprise now.


I don't mind saving it up and working my arse off it's just one of those things you should really know and sort out months before you commit yourself.


The water thing seems pretty bad! This might seem obvious, but is it legal? And hasn't anyone tried to challenge it or bring it up, in court even? That sounds really scary to me. Like they're asking for someone to die on their premises. How do you cope with it then? Do you just have to put up with it?



  • CTW Promotors

TomD - im not sure about the water thing - i'll maybe try & investigate it further and see what i can find out.


Tara - in James defense i know he did lose a lot of money one night and had to scrimp it together to meet us in Tonic.


posted by Tara...........

Fair enough, but please do not arrange to meet people and not turn up. It is not hard to send a text or quick call.


James - u were supposed to meet me on my last night there to watch the sunset at Cafe Del Mar & you didnt turn up. Fred the Baddie & Kev were there but not you. confused.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Members

I was sneaky and found a way round the water prob - I wore my fluffy legwarmers every nite and it's amazing what u can hide in 'em!!! laugh.gif i got as much as 3 bottles of water in I bought at the local shop ice cold and jsut asked 4 a glass wiv ice - making the water last most of the nite,

I didn't scrimp at all and was pretty shocked when i worked out at the end of the week on the plane I'd only spent £280 and that was doing 7 big clubs in 1 week, meals out, sweeties etc etc... grin.gif

oh yeh - aslo managed to get my camera into space via my yetis laugh.gif

  • CTW Promotors

Bunnykins - camera into Space?? Excellent! Can we have the pics to put on the site if poss?

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Members

We got the holiday half board 4 £222 each so i actually got a whole week 4 jsut over 500 quid grin.gif

  • CTW Members

yep sure!! i get the pics bak tom so will put them up over the w/end grin.gif

  • CTW Members

I know, [censored] incredible, maybe not the case in edinburgh so much, but at most of the bigger clubs they don't allow cameras (including the arches) . Pisses me right off the wanks mad.gif



  • CTW Members

fcuk me Bunnykins £280! how did you manage that... can I employ you to be my bank manager next time I go.


Including my flight and accomodation which cost me £250 I spent in all about £1100 over the whole week.

  • CTW Members

The first time I went I spent £330 the whole week but that was without any alcohol.

This time it cost me £260 for the week but that was only coz I had some financial assistance from my other half tongue.gif


Its so out of order that they don't let you take cameras in, they just wanna' make more money off you so you buy the 'official' ones! Thats the best thing about Eden, at least you're allowed camera's there!


  • CTW Members

Another tip is cash your travellers cheques @ the bank - the hotels there rip u off big time, the 1st nite I spent abut 35 euros jsut on water and thought f**k there's gotta b some way round this - was i glad i bought my yetis!!! laugh.gif

erm I have been told i've always been good wiv my pennies!! inc spending 'em tho laugh.gif

2 of the clubs we got in free to and one was only 6 euros so guess that helped grin.gif

Anotehr tip - always check ur change - from what i found the spanish were there to rip us off and quite a few times they'd tried to diddle me, their well crafty - eg Amnesia - when they give u ur change they hide half of it under the recieipts so esp if mashed most peeps don't c it and they take it back shocked.gif

I know ibiza is spanish island but it's a shame most of the spanish their r comeplete shits - soz but thats the impression most of them gave me, they really don't like the tourists and r jsut out to rip them off mad.gif


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I would like to ask you all for some advice.

I went to GK at eden when I was there, paid for a ticket - then lost it. Due to the awesome line up I bought another. I had been in the club for about 30 mins when I felt the need for the toilet. I was sitting down (sorry for the graphic nature it is required) and half way through 3 monsters of men booted the door in and accused me of being asleep. I explained I was in the middle of a number 2. They laughed, said something in spanish and dragged me out of the cubicle. I was still trying to pull my keks on when they threw me outside.


I went to the front and said can I at least go inside on an escourt and tell my girlfriend. (who was also heading for a paranoia). I got a flat NO! and YOU'LL HAVE TO WAIT for her. The next day I found out this exact thing had happened to someone else!

Does anyone know anything I can do about this injustice which cost me nearly £70 in tickets, and spoiled one of my 10 precious nights.


Did any one else find the bouncers in eden a bit "trigger happy" I noticed a hell of a lot of people getting chucked out on Judgement Sunday too mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif



WAIT......We can't stop here - this is bat country!

  • CTW Members

that's really [censored] - i know a girl who got kicked out for knocking someones drink over by accident @ judgement sunday too.

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