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Mr Moo: we don't all know each other... For example I haven't met any other CTW peeps yet! Me and Signum are travelling down from Glasgow on a coach that's been organised especially, but we're both going to make it for the CTW meet-up, and then after that, who knows? I'll just end up getting lost in the music ... thumbs.gif

... only to emerge at 6am with a big grin, hopefully ... grin.gif


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Oooooo fireworks flash.gif


Cool! Im seein my mates tonight (obviously, bein saturday night an all) Ill speak to em then!


If not.....i wanna find sum1 round this way i half know so i dont look like a Billy wen i turn up on my todd hehe fake_eek.gif


Tho they should BE GOING!!!! If not.....

/me opens can of whoopass! tongue.gif


Iffffff not......i hope ill still go! I half know Grant.....ish from novaload.net (*pimp*) & hes my age so that shud be ok....and neither of us do drugs sooo...... we can have pissed conversations about bollox! wink.gif


Ps. I still had the most amazin time wen i went to Paul Glazby on wednesday and i wasnt even pissed! I still dinny move off the dance floor! \o/

Edited by Mr_Moo

  • CTW Members

Hey don't worry about it Moo, loads of people will be strangers, but we're all friendly as fook! grouphug.gif



hahahahahahahahahahaha grouphug.gif



thats just because some people dislike the hug, not some kind of evil joke on you moo bigsmile.gif


see ya wavey.gif

  • CTW Members
see ya wavey.gif


**As often as possible,**


I aint comin! tongue.gif hehe


  • CTW Members
I aint comin!


HMPH that had better be a joke!!

The world and his estranged partner are going to be there!


If you aren't going to be there you'll just be, erm... a silly moo. idea.gif

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  • CTW Members

Mr Moo. Go show's good idea of the day: get your mates to sign up to CTW and then they'll be part of the mob. thumbs.gif

  • CTW Members

Just booked the tickets today so you count me too Sarah. I just hope they don't go awol in the post!

  • CTW Members

i got my tickets sorted, see ya there Dingman - dont get lost this time! ( i think that was you idea.gif)

  • CTW Members

So tempting, may have to break my 'no going out' policy for this. Don't think anyone from Uni is going thou cry.gif Would love to come but hate queing to go in by myself.

confused.gif Decisions nut.gif decisions confused.gif




Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

  • CTW Promotors

PepsiCola - no need to worry bout going / queueing by yourself - we can meet up with you somewhere & u can come with us! smile.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Members

If you don't fancy queing up on your own we could meet up before hand - I'm coming down with a few friends and I'm sure we'd get on really well. Let's face it, this is what this site's all about - pm me if your interested

  • CTW Members

Is James not going to this - I thought this might be my chance to meet ... the Don!

  • CTW Promotors

I hope he is cos we've all bought his ticket for his birthday!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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