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  • CTW Members

i dont think i dance anythin like any of these, i have my own lil specksial dance wink.gif


A lot of the CTW members have seen it and can vouch for it,. i think theres even a few pics along the way to prove this, i know there one in James' ibiza pics and also one in hall of shame blush.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

  • CTW Members

Is that the one they call the muppet dance Claire ?

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



  • CTW Members

I think i combine hoovering the floor and explaing a dog fight (if it has hard hiting base, I hoover, but if it has a searing lead line over the top, I explain a dog fight)


But far more too the point, I go out clubbing to switch off from the world and just let go (Ask anyone I have been out clubbing wiv, hopefully peeps will get to see (or not as I disappear off onto the dancefloor on my own) at sundis on 5th Oct)

  • CTW Members

well i have the 'bum' dance which involves alot of bum shaking really!


cant seem to not shake my bum.....????


sometimes my bum has a life of its own....

  • CTW Members

I don't have this problem.

Im a funky chicken.

  • CTW Members

When pissed (important: pissed not mashed), try the following manoeuvres which I perfected when going out to cheesy places during A-levels:


* The Toilet - 1st bar, crouch like you're sitting on a toilet; 2nd bar, pretend to get bog roll; 3rd bar, pretend to wipe yer arse; 4th bar, pull the chain like a choo-choo train. REPEAT UNTIL NAUSEA and subsequent ejection from club, or sudden feeling of total EMBARRASSMENT.


* The 1930s Dance. for an example, watch any 1930s/40s b+w film of people dancing, flailing their arms like they're swimming in the air and doing feet movements like they're running on the spot madly and about to fall over. then repeat this to such classics as Lock'n'Load's "Blow Ya Mind".


* The Frying Pan - unusual because when it was invented, the person who invented it had no concept of 4/4 time, so: 1st bar, point at the frying pan (as if you're putting something in it); 2nd bar, shake the pan back and forth away from your body; 3rd bar, toss the pan up and down as if you're tossing an omelette. 4th bar, er... you can either repeat one of the other things, make up your own, or start again! Customisation! That's the key.




Nowadays I have to say that my dancing style varies as the night progresses, but usually starts with that absolute classic, the Head-Nodding Leaning On The Balcony. smile.gif



  • CTW Members

I dance pretty stoooopid, but I dont think it fits into any of the categories! grin.gif


Explaining a dog fight, made me laugh tho! laugh.gif


Likes it HARD!!!!


  • CTW Members

well laugh.gif a cross between the sock drawer and the dogfight till i get pissed then i just close my eyes and go off tongue.gif

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I tend to favour the lizard by the bar.Hide behind the sound/light desk.Or if actually dancing the full flail wobble,or the lobotomised Twitch crazy.gif

A Soundsystems for Life.NOt Just For Xmas

  • CTW Members

my mates ben and greg have the 'lasoo' dance. one of them pretends to swing it round their head, catches the other one, and guides him in. v. funny if you r pissed!! laugh.gif

  • CTW Members

my mates ben and greg have the 'lasoo' dance. one of them pretends to swing it round their head, catches the other one, and guides him in. v. funny if you r pissed!!


laugh.gif that's quality for spooning people out in clubs. My m8 was pretending to skip in a club once and the guy behind us asked him if he could borrow the skipping rope.


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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