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so i've noticed....you all are REALLY into hard house. little HARD/FAST for my tastes (go figure), but always open to new styles, and new speeds... and Holland may be home to Trance.... but my god, so much of it is cheesy (what i've come to label as "pop trance"....germany is always infamous for producing that crap). UK may be home to Hard House, but in incredible (if not the MAJORITY) amount of top Prog comes out of there too, which I really love...( I couldn't leave the Bedrock Tent all night at GSSS!!! smirk.gif (sorry, can't include Oakie in that list. Saw him 2xs in U.S.... major let down, even bought Perfecto....waste of money too!)


you don't consider "Trance" and "Prog" to be the same, do you? I don't, but MixMag groups the terms together....Prog can encompass house or trance.... example, digweed's '99 global underground album.????


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Trance & prog for me are two different things - i can listen to Trance but cant stand Prog - too slow & monotonous!

Then of course there is Hard Trance!! smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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Yea, I used to feel the same, about it, and questioned where the SOUL to it was... my first experiences (Oakie) left a bad taste in my mouth. 2 things changed that: 1. My last boyfriend was totally into it. 2. I saw Tenaglia spin, who opened me up to this idea of a slow, continual, somewhat menacing buildup that is created over HOURS, to a climax that hits at such a moment, its maddening! Instead of the rush I used to get from the real energized stuff. (i guess you could compare it to a multiple orgasm.....though not THAT good!! smile.gif After him, I saw Sasha, and was hooked.


Then again, Maybe I'm just getting older, and without injesting other substances, I just can't keep up at faster speeds anymore. smile.gif .....

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The board has members who like the complete range of House Genre's From Hard House, through Trance all the way to Funky Soulful and beach house.


I hesitate to admit this but some peple even like D & B, and breaks. Anyone found admiting to liking Garage, R & B, and Hip Hop would not be tolerated for long however. (This is an example of understated english humour)


i'm intrigued by your comparison of Hard House to a Large single Orgasm, and Trance to Multiple Orgasms...and feel we should explore this further. Paul van Dyk's sets are the closest i've ever got to constant and sustained waves of pleasure building, building to a massive series of enoromous rushes, which being as I am male must be what Multiple Orgasms are like.


Anyway, i'm def in Amsterdam on the 29th/30th Novemeber, so any tips for places to go would be grately appriciated.


I'm sorry about oakie leaving a nasty taste in your mouth...i understand that he is on some sort of weird diet, and takes loads of supplements, to try to keep himself young. He's also a shite DJ / musician and massive self publisist.


In answer to the previous question Mark, Brixton is a pretty cool place for that sorta ting.


take care hun

i ooo.gif


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so i've noticed....you all are REALLY into hard house. little HARD/FAST for my tastes (go figure), but always open to new styles, and new speeds... and Holland may be home to Trance.... but my god, so much of it is cheesy (what i've come to label as "pop trance"....germany is always infamous for producing that crap). UK may be home to Hard House, but in incredible (if not the MAJORITY) amount of top Prog comes out of there too, which I really love...( I couldn't leave the Bedrock Tent all night at GSSS!!! (sorry, can't include Oakie in that list. Saw him 2xs in U.S.... major let down, even bought Perfecto....waste of money too!)


you don't consider "Trance" and "Prog" to be the same, do you? I don't, but MixMag groups the terms together....Prog can encompass house or trance.... example, digweed's '99 global underground album.????

There's a lot of people into Hard House on this board, yes, but hopefully the board embraces all forms of dance music. To this end I'm trying to organise more varied events, more House, Techno, and D'n'B, etc. events. We need to make sure were attracting clubbers into all forms of music, and not discouraging them by being too focused on one genre.

Watch this space ! More house nights and music reviews coming soon ! Anything you can do to help promote other nights/records would be appreciated.

As for Progressive House, I'm with you on this one, definately my favourite genre at the mo. If you were in London, we'd have to go to the Bedrock night at Heaven. Speaking of which, I'm gonna stick it up on the Event Suggestions forum now !

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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That sounds like a really good idea Fred


Progressive house is my baby too and I've always wanted to go to a Bedrock event... heard there was a really good one at Heaven this Thursday gone... also big into Renaissance and would like to maybe get to a party up there sometime.




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ah, ha. thought the Oakie-pill-poppin comment was rather bizarre, so had to reread my previous post again to understand your response. quite witty of you! my "bad taste shocked.gif " metaphor wasn't meant to be intrepreted with a sexual connotation, but i can certainly see from where you derived that. thanks for spotting that out, i'll be more cautious next time, since such suggestive verbaige, is not my usual style... wink.gif


agree 100% on PVD opinion, dynamite dj/even better remixer. and, i'm going to check into what's hot that weekend in Amsterdam (you're open for anything, but...primarily hip hop, right.. laugh.gif ,) so I will post it later in the Events this week.


oh, and for the orgasm analogy.... that's a simple one. music/sex... 2 great pleasures of life, if done right, evoke similar qualities in a human being. i.e. passion. can make you smile,shiver,laugh,scream,cry, and feel absolutely incredible. thus, using one to describe another within an analogy, works quite well, wouldn't you say?? thank god for those pleasures in life...with that final thought...dooi!! (dutch for goodbye.)

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Thanks for taking my little joke, so well, I really think that Paul Oakenfold is overrated, and couldn't resist the oppourtunity, to make a joke on him, and flirt a little with you.

I don't think what you said was particulary suggestive, just my mind works in smirk.gif strange ways.

Thank you in advance for any tips re amsterdam.

Ref the anaolgy PvD has it that dancing need not be drug induced, as the natural highs, outweigh anything chemical. Going to a PvD event, only taking water, as I have done, certianly proves his point, and releases all sorts of feelings that are akin mainly to sexual ones, which is why your point was so intresting...Adios (Spanish for goodbye)




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Hello Teska!

Nice to see you on here, i'm new myself but know people on here from out and about.

I'm of to Holland on the 9th of November to see PVD, Tiesto and Sander Kleinenberg at the Statenhal in the Hague.

Should be a good night I hope! grin.gif

See ya



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that will be a great show, no doubt. i was thinking about going to london that weekend, but if i don't, might see ya there! ooo.gif

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