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blink.gifblink.gifblink.gifblink.gif i think me and phil must of had about and hours kip all night, every few minuits one of us was kicking out and woke the other one up sad.gif


wierd sorta feeling cus i only usually get it when im asleep and dreaming about falling or jumping etc but we were doing it while we were dozing and iv done it while wide awake aswell unsure.gifunsure.gif


its been so bad i had to get up and have a wonder around cus it was kinda freaking me out blushing.gif


anyone else had anything like this? grin.gif

Edited by Louise

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it dont usually bother me but it was happening WAAAY to often for my likeing (at least every 5 mins blink.gif ) and phil was even worse than me huggles.gifwub.gif


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might just be, tongue.gif i seem to forget to drink water after iv left the club blushing.gifthumbsdown.gif

  • CTW Members

haha htats my answer for everything!


headaches = drik water


cramp = drink water


kicking in bed = drink water....




does it usually happen only after clubbing then? hmmm blink.gif

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happens every few days or so but just one offs, these were constant all night twitches......was beginning to think we both had turretts syndrome unsure.gif

  • CTW Members

Seperate beds thumbsup.gif


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god no ohmy.gifohmy.gif i only see him once a month as it is (for 2-3 piddly little days) thumbsdown.gif although i do miss having the whole bed to myself blushing.gif

  • CTW Members

yeah but your only sleeping wink.gif




aren't you unsure.gif






I've just had a lovely 11 hours unbroken sleep sleep.gifgrin.gif


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iv had about an hour and 15 mins lol.gifgrin.gif but strangely still feeling great yes.gif



  • CTW Members

its caused by ur muscles relaxing

i get it all the time wink.gif


People say i have a drinkin problem, I like to call it a gift.

  • CTW Members

When i used to smoke shit loads of weed i'd get the twitches when in bed...


I found it quite funny at the time smile.gif

  • CTW Members

when i go to bed afta me and my bloke have been out he gets really bad twitches and boots me outta bed


but i think its cos hes had to many sweeties

Iv Come Here Today To Chew Bubblegum And
Kick Ass And Im All Outta Bubblegum :wink:

  • CTW Members

me and helen do this too - i do it more often than her tho - i find its usually when i go to bed earlier than i normally do - almost like my body is tellin me its not ready to go to sleep or something

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