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your dead right cornelius!


sounds like tresh has taken this post far too seriously. clubbing is all about fun and if we all took it as seriously as tresh then we'd get bored very quickly.


cyber, tryhard, furry, pvc or a bin bag its all about having fun, right?


cornelius is obviously trying to make himself look better for the good of the scene. a bit like BK cornelius is revolution ising clubbing, bringing it forward. yeah, cyber has its place but it can't last forever! eh tresh?! forget making yourself look like a space cadet, tryhard is the future look of clubbing!


tryhard is the same as cyber was, just it doesn't make you look like a gimp in front of your parents!!!




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Your dead right oddball I care about the scene and the music I was simply winding certain people up [tresh].He clearly took my comments totally out of context.Nevermind at least full on clubbers like oddball can see my point ,the only way is 4ward not back if nobody cared about image then we would never get dressed up which in my book is just a part of clubbing as ur mates and the music.Dressing up adds to the atmosphere if it did not then why is certain styles of dress so frowned upon by the clubbing community.Anyone that says getting dressed up is not the main thing think again as u snear at the guy next to u in a Ben Sherman.

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  • CTW Members

Oddball- I wish like you that I had a crystal ball in order to see wot the future of clubbing is, and having been clubbing for the sum total of 6 months, how can you comment that try-hard is wot cyber was?


If by revolutionising the scene you refer to the wearing of women's belts and so forth, I think I'll steer well clear of that one. And how on earth is Cornelius dressing the way he does, or me dressing the way I do, or you dressing the way you do good for the scene? Is dress sense attributed with some intrinsic value I am not aware of?


I will also make no reference to the fact that you were unable to construct a wholly autonomous answer instead resorting to a collaboration between yourself and Cornelius. I also won't mentionthat the same occurred for Cornelius' subsequent answer. I know 2 heads are better than one, but your 2 still only seem to be the same as half of mine! smirk.gif


Cornelius- how can you suggest that dressing up is the main thing. Without the music, the venue and your fellow clubbers there would be nothing to get dressed up for, leaving the dressing up element in 4th place on the list. I never denied dressing up was important, yet you seem to be more than content to make inferences from my post that quite simply are not there to be inferred.


On one further point I have never condemned try hards, unless you were taking my post saying DIE BASTARDS DIE too seriously and well out of context!?!?! laugh.gif


I know I'll sleep easy tonite, remember I wasn't the one asking people for tips on wot to wear! grin.gif

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