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SarahPVC was awarded the badge 'Conversation Starter' and 10 points.

I've heard a few people comment now that they feel this site is different to others or special in some way so am interested to know why??

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Members

Very professional looks!

Friendly excellent people!

Er...quick loading etc :smile:

  • CTW Members

Because the main emphasis is based around organised meet-ups across the UK, rather than just clubbing in general.

Although the main reason I joined was because it was quieter than the other boards, and so you could actually have a half-decent conversation. That won't always be the case, though, obviously!

  • CTW Admin

yes Tom, this is the only thing that bothers me - if it gets too busy - i'm sure it will sort itself out though.

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Signed up to the gatecrasher.co.uk forum so i could make some comments, and u post sumin @ midnight and if i have a free period next day, my comment is on page 3!!!!!!!!

Thats to busy!!

  • CTW DJs

deffo the meetups

sooo many boards do half arsed meet ups or have their own in board clicks cuz they know each other irl

nuffin on msgboards annoys me more (apart from arrogance) is when ppl r clicky with other board members cuz they know each other irl - its just rude imo!

irl = in real life btw

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

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Yeah everyone on here is really friendly and are willing to meet-up and have a laugh clubbing with newbies as well as mates they have had for a long time! :)


Likes it HARD!!!!


  • CTW Admin

this is music to my ears guys - i'm so chuffed that the message / purpose of the site is clear !

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  • CTW Members

I've been here from the start, plus it's the best clubbing site overall as far as I'm concerned. :thumbs:

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
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  • CTW Members

This site is different because the emphasise is on meeting new people AND clubbing. Theres always info. on the next meet up so it is more of a community and not just a random chat for one timers to post in.

  • CTW Members

im not really sure what it is about it but all i do know is that im not normally the sort of person who uses forums, but i really look forward to get on here now and i dont think any other site would have done that to me

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We will def be keeping the regular meetups thats for sure! They are always popular.

As far as the board getting cliquey - i think thats always going to happen on any board but i think we have a lot more forums than most boards so can accomodate more members yet.

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Members

For me it's the people. Everyone is sooo friendly /images/graemlins/smile.gif

And the meetup's - that's such a great idea.

The atmosphere on this site, and at the NEC meetup cannot be beaten.



  • CTW Admin

Its also our intention to arrange more varied nights out / meet-ups - these are kinda happening by accident anyway with members organising their own meets by themselves but i'm keen to get the site looking like it caters for more people and a wider range of music tastes. Obviously we can't do everything at once but I'm confident that in time we will cover most genres/clubs/countries...

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