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  • CTW Members

presumably oddball's comment was when we had a ahrd house and a non-hardhouse events forum a few days ago

~fighting for peace is like f***ing for virginity...
msn: maladjustedfreak@hotmail.com

  • CTW Promotors

I see - not the only thing that seems to have occured while I was away, been hearing theres been lots of scandal - site related - and other stuff too! This is excellent and something I actively encourage!!


Shen, you out at Serious tonight ??

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW Members

wish i could, but am feeling quite ill, still don't stop my mum making me work in her erestaurant tonight though frown.gif and my mate annie cant make it either and she was main reason why i was going, and also am too poor.!


you coming to this DnB ngiht at fabric kev, or it not too your tastes?

~fighting for peace is like f***ing for virginity...
msn: maladjustedfreak@hotmail.com

  • CTW Members

indeed, slinky is really tempting, but am thinking fabric, as it closer and therefre cheaper, less likely to have a huge row with parents about going out to london rather than bournemouth, also, ain't been to a DnB night in ages, and look at the lineup, tis amazing!


damnit why do both nights have to be on the same day banghead.gif

~fighting for peace is like f***ing for virginity...
msn: maladjustedfreak@hotmail.com

  • CTW Members

presumably oddball's comment was when we had a ahrd house and a non-hardhouse events forum a few days ago


naah, i mean't that this isn't a hardhouse event... so why the hell is there a post on CTW about it? confused.gif





i have 104 friends

  • CTW Members

lol! laugh.gif trying to get you hard house heathens to appreciate other music! wink.giftongue.gif well, twas tara's idea but i'll happily steal it as my own grin.gif

~fighting for peace is like f***ing for virginity...
msn: maladjustedfreak@hotmail.com

  • CTW DJs

hehehe - i do find that alot of ppl that club hh, dont (and wont be willing) appretiate other genres


i've tryed DnB and can honnestly say, i h8 it with a passion!


i do love techno tho (especially the stuff that dont conform to the 4x4 rule)


i love the more creative side of house (less the funk mind)

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

  • CTW Members

well at least ya tried it i suppose! i like techno too, been to bugged out once for nye last year, was excellent! grin.gif


right..... anyways. anyone else up for this?

~fighting for peace is like f***ing for virginity...
msn: maladjustedfreak@hotmail.com

  • CTW Members

im defio there!! i just got a £1300 loan, woh woh come on dance wiv me woh woooooh! bouncy.gif

MSN leesh1000@hotmail.com
"Boom! Chicky! Boom! Chicka!"

  • CTW Members

woohoo! the more the merrier! so far we have:


Shenlong (me)

Tara + friends


Nick G

Jay H




~fighting for peace is like f***ing for virginity...
msn: maladjustedfreak@hotmail.com

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