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[ Photos ] - Housewives Choice & ClubTheWorld @The Edge (6th December 2002)

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I'm trying to think of another word to use than fantastic as I tend to describe all nights as this, this night was more than that it meant a hell of a lot to me and I just wanted it to go on for ever. I was so upset when it was all over yesterday but then today I've suddenly realised that these meets really ARE going to get bigger and better as time goes by - they are not like unique holiday destinations we can build on this first event and increase our bonding even more - this is what I perceived originally - that it would be an amazing feeling to be clubbing where everyone in the room were your mates - I personally would rather be in a smaller club with real clubbing mates than a 50,000 capacity crowd of strangers! But I believe one day we could have 1,000 of us someplace, sometime - that is what I'm working towards and that is why we do the site. The "International Meet" is going to be amazing, who knows when that will be but it will be fookin' groundbreaking ...


Thank you to everyone who could make it - I feel I know a lot of you a lot better now and I can see I'm gonna be messaging you all a lot more from now on.


I had a lot of people "thanking" me, Sarah, Kev and others for the site but to be honest its ALL of us we should thank - as a member once said a message board is nothing without its members - but we are one step ahead than that - we have without a shadow of a doubt the most friendly & genuine bunch of clubbers in the world here.


My long long term dream would be that we all own a club together - like a PLC with shares etc.. - this may be a silly idea but I dont see why any of us should pay entry to a club - we just wanna club together ! Ok, I'll shut up now !

James' Photos

CaptinRik's & SarahPVC's Photos


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CaptinRik's photos now up ... The crowd shots from the DJ Booth are fooking WICKED ...



CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

  • CTW Members

photo's are excellent! even if i do look like a mong in the few that i am in! top night and the phtos are bringing it back! grin.gifgrouphug.gif

~fighting for peace is like f***ing for virginity...
msn: maladjustedfreak@hotmail.com

  • CTW Members

ok i looked fooked in all photos. i think my ability to smile has gone. ok new policy no photos of scream while he is fooked OK!!

  • CTW Members

i'll have the mask please!!


But you've just said that you smile to much. if we stand together in photos maybe we wont be to bad!!??

  • CTW Members

cant believe I was gurning that much!!! lol

Sign of a good night mate !

Of course, I wasn't gurning in any of the photos !! scratchchin.gif

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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Sarah's coming as soon as she can be arsed to send them to me! hehehehe


Sent them on monday cheeky sod!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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will get Sarah's pics up tonight ...

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  • CTW Members

James, I'm perched on the edge of my seat waiting for Sarahs photos to be put up !

Bouncer - Sorry you can't bring that into the club
Me - But it's a Banana for godsake !

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  • CTW Admin

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