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  • CTW Members

- It was very gud.

- Lisa Lashes was laughable. laugh.gif

- Paul Glazby was amazing. flash.gif

- The Republic isn't as good as I thought it was going to be.

- Lasers are so good.

- It was well busy.

- I got calippo juice down my trousers.

- Queue for the cloakroom was just jokes.

- Claire DC is CTW's resident celebrity slag, haha





- My mouth hurts. frown.gif



hello to folk i met wavey.gif


  • CTW Admin

Was a fantastic night and I thought Tidy yet again proved that they are the experts when it comes to planning a proper party.


* Cloak rooms were a joke but they always are this time of year as its so damn cold. I just took a hooded top and kept it with me all night cause i couldnt be arsed to queue.


* Really like the multi-level layout of the Republic


* The main dancefloor was too packed all night and too hot but sounded f*cking amazing right in the middle of it


* First set was strange as I didnt like the music but all sets without exception after that were bang on it. Again, Farley played my favourite set.


* Being wished a happy christmas by Mr. Farley when he was leaving the club.


* Speaking to a couple of peeps in the vip bit but then realising that i'd much rather be on the dance floor as that was where it was 'happening'


* Seeing claire in the dj booth and winding me up as she had a gold tag - hehe


* Seeing claire totally pissed at the start of the night and not being able to see straight


* All the lovely hugs


* See Matt D and his Bro dance exactly the same and really going for it - everyone should take note !


* Waiting for 2 hours for coats which never materilised ! (only joking sarah!)


* No queues at all at the bars!


* Meeting many many more people and people who I didnt know knowing me !


* Seeing how well tidy richard co-ordinated things - what an inspiration !


* Seeing little miss loud again and getting a cd off her


* Meeting pocket raver !


* Clubbing all night with matt, his bro and nina - apart from when i wimped out towards the end and they carried on and on and on !


* Seeing that girls can sweat too !


* Having to sleep for 3 hours in a service station on the way home in a car who's seat wont recline! (not!)


* Talking to guyver briefly in the pub beforehand


* Driving nina up by driving round and round in endless circles in the carpark


* Random Massages


* No fights (there are never any!, unlike the beer-boy 'garage' attitude club i went to the other night!! - by mistake I might add - the club was called evolution and i kinda assumed it would be a mini-sunnyd - stupid i know!)


What a brill night - i'm totally hooked on tidy events from now on...

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

  • CTW Promotors

Top night!


Lashes played much better than usual!


Farley was perfect as usual!


Glazby was as hard as usual!


It was more packed then usual!


Much hotter than usual!


I sweat far more than usual!


The talent was better than usual! wink.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW DJs

alreet james! i finally vetured back on lol- only cos i cant sleep mind!


Tara Reynolds f'ing smacked it!


sorry i couldnt stick around on saturday- it was nice 2 c ya though, take care, Her Royal Loudness x


  • CTW Admin

Hiya Alison - thanks for registering again hun !


Was real nice to see you last Wednesday & Saturday and I thought the CD was excellent - real nice and fast which is what I like ! I didnt realise you knew so many people either - nice one ! Will we definitely have to look at doing that charity thing one day when we are in a position to do it - just needs planning properly like anything else but it can most definitely be done !


Kev - this is Ickle Loudy !

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

  • CTW DJs

yes kevin, loudy returns!!! i only really came back 2 make your life hell knob.gif - only joking!


james, i dont really know that many peeps, i have just been "networking" recently i.e being a bit of a club whore!


it would b so excellent 2 do a nite and that, just let me know if u got any ideas- amo from the tidy boys asked me 2 eamil him with a business plan, and i made it clear it would b non-profit making, so if we get r heads together we could have tidy's backing with a bit of luck!




  • CTW Admin
amo from the tidy boys asked me 2 eamil him with a business plan, and i made it clear it would b non-profit making, so if we get r heads together we could have tidy's backing with a bit of luck!


nice1 alison ! I really feel that we're all started to build up some good trusted relationships now and so there's no reason why we all cant work together on stuff like this - I know there is a hell of a lot of work involved but with sarah's and others peoples skills i'm sure we can pull it off - it would such a good fullfilling and constructive night to put on.


We'll throw some ideas around over email n stoof.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

  • CTW Promotors

I am already getting excited about this!! We all need to discuss this further - deff email for now!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Members

OMFG what a night.... VIP dj pass (access all areas hehe)


Wicked to see u lot again, always is smile.gif


Amo got me pissed (bastard) laugh.gif Think its safe to say he got himself pissed too tho (tho he blames me shocked.gif ) and he became my bitch laugh.gifstar.gif


Lee Haslam - fuckin star, did his set after feelin really ill (then got drunk lol) star.gif


Paul Glazby - shocked to see me after so long.... pinched my water (bastard) laugh.gif


Guyver - got pissed and fell over then said i pushed him (bastard) laugh.gif


Banging tunes, allll night..... wicked people, wicked atmosphere AMAZIN!!


What more can i say!! bigsmile.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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