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and HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Do you feel old ?




mwa mwa xx

oh my god!

didnt get in till 6.00 this morning then went to work for a few hours


im well fooked and av a driving lesson in a bit 2


my god i enjoyed, woot.gif

twas one of the best weekends ever, made me glad that i didnt end up going to newquay really.


it was a long wait in the que though,and of course i had to b in disguise due to my ban and couldnt relax till i got my little arse through the door only to find wen i reached the entrance the bouncer who banned me was on the door,so i shut my trap and slipped in quietly.


the place was well rammed ivce never seen so many ppl, got to hot though,even the fans in the chill room were blowing out hot air in the end.


van dyk played his set for 3 massive banging hours. Previous to him bringing us all up i had a comfy cushin in the chill room on the floor against the wall and wen any1 tried to sit on it id tell them to fuck off it was mine that id brought from the house off my sofa.(funny as fuck wen u saw ppls faces)


i danced on the podium for a bit next to this glow stick poker stabbing cyber who fucked me right off going 100 miles an hour untill the usual spewing situation occured then i ran like fuck but didnt make the loo had to make do with the bin... this happened a lot through the night this time due to the intake i suppose and i chilled so much chaating random bollox to mainly strangers who decided to sit their cheeky pikey bodies next to us. However each time i heard a banging sound id get up, like i do but the buzz of it was making me heave all the time, saying that so did the water and fags i aint smoked for almost 2 days ohmy.gif


mmmmmmmmm as for ppl we knew fuck yeah, there were loads of toilet conversations and ppl asking after u but i dont remember their names or much of the coversations for that matter.i was listening really hard but had that" fuck wat were we just saying head on" though one girl who decided to cum with us to introduce us to her mob was sarah ur friend we used to see her out b4. wat a mad girl. her mates were proper cainers and did the best after party ever.


i really needed to get out in that scene again. i know it was escape but it could have been anywhere.it was amazing and i feel better know knowing that ive had a go again after so long(not leaving it so long again)


at 7 am the kicked us out,oh my god i was on a mission and well wide awake but fookin freezin.it was funny as fuck by the taxi rank seeing the roadsweepers cleaning up and looking at us all in sheer amazement.


ha ha ha went to yellow cabs and i know this sounds mad but at the greatest laff in there.It was rammed with like minded clubbers and a real good atmosphere. i of course decided to do the entertaining as usual and we had a great time. wen our lift arrived the office begged me to stay. i luved taking the piss and being cheeky to randoms. the room sang happy birthday to me hard house style. i saw these two pikey bitches who said they remembered us from b4 but fuck me i didnt remember them,they said yeah maria we used to talk to u for ages in the toilets and we used to say u were well mad fuckers. i thanked them for their compliment of course but said i didnt know who the fuck they were.


then we got on the age thing again as some guys from the past appeared and said i looked the fuckin same age as wen we left school(cheeky fuckers) they ad it bad tongue.gif


wen my lift finally arrived a brand new ford puma i squashed in the bck for a trip to sarahs house in llanelli. fuck me id only been in there 5 mins and spewed in the bck of her friends car(she was not amused)...so they put me in the front and i was ok.


we got to sarahs bout 9.30 and screemed up the sounds while entering her street, a bit childish really but fun wen u saw sleepy faces running to their windows. wen we arrived the house was already babging with sum make shift dj who plays in escape....raather lush too i must say. didnt have a seat at first but i soon got me one wich included a nice sleeping bag too.


the whole house appeard to b completly off it on totally illegal substances of different kinds, i of course did not indulge blushing.gif


thats it really without the gory deatails. we went out for food last night but it was an impossible venture so returened to our previous past time and got in at 6 this morning


im fucked but had a really good birthday and met some really nice ppl that i just know ill c again





hurry up and get home so we can get luved up together babe!

god i cant c properly and my spelling leaves a lot to be desired.




Oh my GOD ! Sounds like you had a top weekend ! Our past times hey sad.gif


Who the feck is Sarah ? I can't remember anyone called Sarah when we used to mission out on weekends ? Then again, every body knew us when we used to go out because we were the nutters wherever we went !! lol.gif


Can't believe you only got in this morning :| It's a good thing really and im really chuffed you stayed out well over due your bed time 'coz you have missed out for a while.


Escape - I totally forgot about your banning from there haha oh god how I remember that night CRYSTAL CLEAR ! LMAO ! You funny c^nt !


Who did you end up going to Llanelli with ? And how the hell did you get back ? haha you make me fecking laugh burd ! Trust you to throw up in someones car though. You remember when we went out the night before I moved out and you were sick in the back of the taxi as we just dropped you off ? Can't take you ANYWHERE without you being sick ! But, it can't be helped. That's just the reaction you always get. hahahaha I love you biggrin.gif


I am really made up you had a good birthday though, I really am. Now you have had a taster after so long (even though it was fecking Escape haha), you need to pass your friggin test and COME TO LONDON yes.gif (it will be like someone breaking into your pussy for the first time again hahaha )


Well anyway, I just got back home so I will probly ring you later tonight and catch up. (I'll leave you some time to get back to normality first wink.gif )


I have to see you soon. I havn't seen you since I been back sad.gif






Edited by Maria

im now bck in the land of the living and have 2 days to do a 3000 word assignment on descision making,, and u know wat im like on making a descision.


any how, hows u doing. bet ur sucked off that ur bck home again eh? when r u next up there?


my test is tuesday, im out every day with my instructor this week cos i have got to pass this test more than anything else in the world right now. i will b cuming over there to take u for a joy ride then bird woot.gifwoot.gif .


i will cum to london soon with u but i need to av a little bit of driving experience first. i am gonna do a pass plus course if i pass now, to get me used to the motorways and stuff. Can u imagine i would get us up there but take me three days to get my head together to get bck home wink.gif


wat r u up 2 anyhow? any news on the job front , other than that bit of husstleing u been doing bet ur making heaps of bread though.?


let me know wat time ur in and not busy and ill give u a call.



luv u


oi oi !


Your test is coming so near ! OMG I fucking hope you pass !!!! I am crossing everything for you burd !


Just relax and DO NOT road rage like you did in your lesson lol.gif !!


Motorways are great for driving on !


I drove back from Northampton some of the way with Lucy ages ago ! Across the 7 bridge aswell.. One thing that excites me about when having my own car is driving up to England on the motorway. I love motorway driving w00t.gif


I did call you when I said I was and I also called you last night ! But no answer. Bitch.


Hey just think, tomorrow would have been your test date if you hadn't refused to take it then lol.gif


No news on th ejob front just yet, although Im in talks with an agency in Cardiff alot. I applied for county hall yesterday, normal office job paying a London Rate Salary !


I might not be in tonight, but I might be, im not sure, If I am I will ring you this evening ? Will you be in ?


mwa mwa soppy licky on the clitey.




ive missed ur sloppy licky on the clitty (he he)


county halls a good department to get involved with moira, go for it bird, once ur in employment its always easier to find something else that suits.


my road rage is still bad and my instrutor has warned me that it will not b tolerated on the test, so im trying to chill somewat but why o why r there so many wankers on the road.


the girls were singing at a chapel at clydach last night so didnt get bck till late and im trying to b a good girl so i went to bed early only to b awoken by a lunatic smashing an ashtry at my head, so i had to get the police involved yet again mad.gif

u dont know how much ive had to prevent someone from doing him over bad and slinging him and his stuff outta the door. i know hes never here but hasnt gimmie a penny since december but i cant get the ###### out of here properly.



im paying for a deposit and a bond wen my check from uni has cleared so he can rent privatly cos i cant stand this utter shite no more.


my mum is picking the girls up on thursday for a cupple of hours so if u wanna go out for food and a quick drink or something let me know and ill meet u somewhere close to u if u like.



Why the fuck did he do that ? Jesus, what a ###### ! Well just think, when he decides to move in with this burd, things will be much better for you an dyou will have the house to yourself. I rekkon you should throw own massive fuck off party for the said occassion biggrin.gif


How is your uni stuff coming on ? Thats' all you seem to be doing lately ! Well done though wink.gif


Thursday is tomorra, isn't it ?


Well I will give you a bell later on perhaps and we shall catch up then you caning bitch biggrin.gif



fuck yeah it is thursday tomorrow, god the week goes so fast i cant keep up . there r not enough hours in the day. im doing ok but need to pass this to continue to the mental health. its hard work working, the girls and this but i like the challenge.


im in all evening so give us a call if u like. ill b up till late doing this and further more i just think ive run out of ink so ill have to save it to disk and print it out in cardiff on friday


kids i tell u they will print till the fookin cows cum home, worthless piece of shit pictures all the time devil.gif

haha you don't half do well my dear !


How long will it be untill you pass then ? Or when is your actual exam that sums up your career ?


I ber you will be well over the moon when it's all done !



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