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  • CTW Members

I will be at SS on 5 April if I am not at Slimelight.

  • CTW Members
aint been there 4 2 years now...shithole, [censored] music


And too many tossers looking for trouble wink.gif


Used to go a lot too 'til I saw sense hehe. Havent been for about 18 months or somethin'


I'm not from Cov but pretty close, do I still count? grin.gif


Rah Neon I didn't realise you were in Rugby mate. I'm just outside Rugby in Lilbourne. 'Tis terrible laugh.gif


Oops and the original idea for this post: Welcome to CTW Xenny! smile.gif

  • CTW Promotors

Hiya Xenny - welcome to CTW


Sundissential is also my fav club!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Members
aint been there 4 2 years now...shithole, [censored] music


And too many tossers looking for trouble wink.gif


Used to go a lot too 'til I saw sense hehe. Havent been for about 18 months or somethin'


I'm not from Cov but pretty close, do I still count? grin.gif


Rah Neon I didn't realise you were in Rugby mate. I'm just outside Rugby in Lilbourne. 'Tis terrible laugh.gif


Oops and the original idea for this post: Welcome to CTW Xenny! smile.gif



We will give u an honorary membership to the cov clan beerchug.gif

Dance hard, work less, play tomorrow and sleep the next day

  • CTW Members
Thankyou everyone. I had the scary thought that mine might be the ONLY message on the new members board not to get any replies. Might have given my confidence a bit of a knock!


It's sooo tempting to go out tonight and meet some of you people (in fact one part of me (the part that's a serious danger to me getting my degree) is still trying to talk me (er that's the other part of me) into it) (have I overdone it on the brackets?) But I've gotta finish a dissertation. Oh yes, wot fun. Which means this weekend and next weekend are nogo for me. I'm up for the 5th though if you're not all off to TW.


Can't beleive there's so many of us in Coventry - yup, a cov posse may be in order smile.gif




hello wavey.gif


lol laugh.gif thats exactly what I've been doing every weekend since the beginning of term. Only problem is the the part of me that wants to go clubbing is much more convincing than the part of me that needs to do my dissertation. So to solve the problem I am using Sundissentials as part of my research!






Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

  • CTW Moderators

hi xenny and welcome to ctw, add another to ur list as i live in nuneaton lol, even bigger dump. anyway me and neon go passion a lot and no he aint me boyf he's like me bro lol. people always asume we're a couple. any way hope to meet any fellow midlanders soon



dani_ baby.gifboo

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


  • CTW Members
I used to go out with a girl in Nuneaton.


Another wonderful peice of advice brought to you by CreamyC.com


What was her name? 'Tis a small world mate - I might know her tongue.gif


Could be an old mate or a cousin or anything!

  • CTW Moderators
I used to go out with a girl in Nuneaton.


Another wonderful peice of advice brought to you by CreamyC.com


yer tell us who she is i may no her as i live here lol

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


  • CTW Members

Aye do tell! Hehe


One of us is bound to know her ... If Dani is 21 and lived there all her life (?) and I lived there til i was 17... thats 38 years worth of Nuneaton-knowledge between us wink.gif



  • CTW Members

Yeah, ive had friends in nuneaton for 12 years so thats 50 between us! laugh.gif

Dance hard, work less, play tomorrow and sleep the next day

  • CTW Moderators

no iv not lived here all my life jus on and off my secondry school years but thats the time u get to no people then i moved down south and now im back but i do know a hell of a lot of people here as im a well known kind a gal, so i may no u???


dani_ baby.gifboo

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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