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MC Whizzkid msg'd me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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ok i know most of u dont even know who whizzkid is but he's one of the top three hardcore MCs incase u dont know


and i msg'd him on USH.net saying how i thought he woz an amazing MC, and how i wanted his babies etc lol! i also asked 4 the lyrics 2 my favourite rhyme of his and......


HE MSG'D ME BACK!!!!!! luvu.gifluvu.gifluvu.gif


this is wot it woz.....



OK, here we go.....



Sexy Baby. Whizzkid MC.


U see my sexy baby,

How i love u,

And all i wanna know is do u love me 2,

U say u still love me,

And thats a fact,

But pure disrespects no way 2 act.


I cant sleep at night i toss and turn,

Waiting 4 ur call baby,

On the phone,

Ur all that i need,

The air that breathe,

I long to hold u lady,

4 eternity.


Your no good 4 me,

I dont need no body,

But im in love,

And need 2 tell somebody,

UR driving me wild,

Why cant u see?

Ur my one and only my sexy baby.


U see my sexy baby,

How i want u,

Realeasing feelings inside,

I thought i never knew,

So please gimme a clue,

Tell me what i should do,

I aint lying 2 ya honey my emotions are true!!!







There u go. I dont very often reply so i hope its ok.



Stay hardcore,




Whizza la Kidda.


OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wot i wudnt do 2 sit on that mans face! notworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gif


and i know the rest of u dont care but im still soooooo hyper about it!

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Whos MC Whizzkid? confused.gif




Have u ever met Anne Savage? heartbeat.gifheartbeat.gif

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OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wot i wudnt do 2 sit on that mans face! notworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gif


Don't know who the Geezer is, but that is one quality saying! thumbs.gif


This'll have to be the quote of the day. laugh.gif

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

  • CTW Members

I get it all the time......



  • CTW Members

now drew that is how much someone would love to [censored] in your face, not sit!!

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anne savage confused.gifconfused.gifconfused.gif


(i have actually honestly neva heard of her!)#


although i must say DJSG id rather have storm than whizzkid! although he comes a close second!

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I get it all the time......




he means me saying i wanna sit on his face laugh.gifspliff.gif

  • CTW Members
I get it all the time......




What the urge to sit on MC Whizzkid's face?


Sadly.......yes! rolleyes1.gif

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you have no idea raverbaby what I would do to shag him...


I think I'd sell my soul he is [censored] Lush!


I got a shout on Saturday at Slammin Vinyl when he saw me in the crowd but nothing like that!!!


can we share him? or have him on a time share? lol




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Chloe: U missed something very special not bein @ TW!


Missed havin u there as well! cry.gif


u Nutter!

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lol, we'll share him if u like amber! if u go on USH.net an search the member list his name is whizzkid mc just send him a PM and he mite reply! luckily 4 me i got lucky an he did!


wot u think of odysessy??? i used 2 like him but he woz so rude at slammin ive gone off him. he refused 2 do a single shout out!

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