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I have had a quiet one this weekend, went out down the pub fri nite and then for a few drinks with the family last nite. Then went to the cheesy local club which was fun for about an hour but got very bored very quickly.


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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U mean u gotta sell sum more gear to get sum money? tongue.gif


Who's sellin ? is it good stuff ?


this has to be the best way to get the site closed!!!


I think by "gear" he meant equipment, you used to be a mechanic, didn't you Nik, and are now selling your tools, or "gear" as people colloquially refer to stuff!!




The "gear" comment was actually meaning gears/speeds etc ... I meant I should get out of reverse and into 2nd gear ... or maybe even be daring and try the heights of 3rd gear in me effort to get money bigsmile.gif


I have no idea how it got turned into a conversation about "gear" ... What is that? scratchchin.giftongue.gif

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I had the most amazingly sensible weekend, I washed my car, listened to some football and played on the PC yesterday, and I went to visit my grandparents today.


All to rest up for next weekend grin.gif

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Yeahy, been and done the relative thing too so I don't have to go to the family meal next weekend.


Am very rested and well up for next weekend.


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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SOmetimes it's really nice to have a weekend doing nothing much at all .... have had SIX weekends doing that, so this weekend, I made up for it! Still sorta partying, but only at home now with MrM who is popping some tracks on for me.


Am feeling very grouphug.gif



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Had w/end off clubbin n still had good time, cinema, the zoo n sum other stuff wink.gif


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been doing a spot of music production smile.gif


DUDE cuddle.gif Indeed and fuckin bangin it was 2 notworthy.gif. Thanx 4 the listen dude. Man I cant believe we were up chatted till 5 Sun morn sober. nut.gif


As 4 my weekend it kind of started on Thur nite, I went out 4 a mates bday on Thur nite in Bristol then got home, lobbed my stuff in the car and drove down 2Newquay (3.30 in the mornin and got there at 6) kipped in my car, blagged 3 parkin 4 the day then went Body Boardin 4 a few hrs grin.gif.


Went shoppin in Newquay and brought some uv jewllery and this wicked full length terquoise furry coat (I look like a mini, skinny version of Sulley, out of Monsters Inc now.) teehee evil_laugh.gif then slept in my car again.


Hooked up w/ my mates abit later went 2 their B&B and got ready, dropped a half, then hit SpringBoc in town. I was camera boy (1 normal camera, 1 digi and a video cam) 4the nite cause I was ment 2b goin 2b the most bigsmile.gif yeah rite. Spent most of the nite either chattin 2loads of randoms (Big up: notworthy.gifcuddle.gifJenna & the ozzie guys, the South African girl, James the Ginger Warrior, Dj Snakey, the lovely bouncer lady, the barmaid, Sara and Angry Mark errr don't think I missed any1 grouphug.gif pics on my website) or danced my tits off like a nut.gifer. Then left the club and drove home got back at 6 in the mornin got 2hrs sleep then went 2 work 4 9hrs.


Got home and spent most of the nite chattin 2 Mr Happy. Got 2hrs sleep then went 2work and worked 11hrs on a complete mission


(Has this got anythin 2do w/ the comedown?)


left work and went and saw A Man Apart (wicked film) thumbs.gif kipped on my mates sofa 4 bout an hr or 2 then come home and have been up since. paranoid.gif


Phew did that answer the question? eviltongue.gifwink.gif


Laters peeps

Geesus all out spliff.gif


REMEMBER :- Geesus Loves U *mwah* xxx

And every1 else thinks ur mashed.

(heehee slight variation on the original sayin)


Dont stop a droppin!


Once u pop u cant stop!


I think Iam what clubbin peeps would call a cuddle-slut. Teehee

Laters peeps

Geesus out spliff.gif

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Blimey ... ! You can talk more than me!

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i've been workin all w/e. frown.gif pushed my 1st 747 aircraft wivout a hitch on saturday. woz easier than i thought. thumbs.gif i'm gona b in 4 a v busy summer, as our company has just gained a load more contracts(iberia included, so mite get meself cheap flites 2 ibiza thumbs.gifbouncy.gif)

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well i was a sweetie as am completely broke from the tidy weekender which my house mates couldnt go to i said that i would look after there little girl...


no sleep due to major stress but my mates decided to come home at 4 and carry on the party quite wicked we had the decks round but everyone was kd up quite funny then i actually took the 2 year old out to glastonbury to see my mum and dad trust me i never want kids she was good as gold but [censored] hell am i exhausted!!!! oh and had to see my ex new girlfriend who is really [censored] minging pukeface.gif apparantly he walked past the window rahhhhhhhhhhh!!! but my mum went out shopping and bought me some food to take home ahh!!

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Worked on Thursday night. Went to a Dirty Dozen Ball on Friday, it was a free bar all night, i think it was a good night, i dont remember alot beerchug.gif. Then worked on saturday night with a HUGE hangover!!

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Been attempting to write my essay, 1700 words done 1300 to do by 5pm! rolleyes1.gif

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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