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rhi itz hev!!!!! hahah wer guan b ravin soon how xcited am i?? erm................ very!!!!!!!!!! n ur cumin shopin 4 my gear ye? hahahahhahahah im ravin im ravin ok well not at diz precise moment but i wil b soon! get muchin dem pillz!! love your baby rabit 4life x.x.x.x.x. spliff.gif

  • CTW Members

This is a Hardhouse and Trance only site.....


Kindly [censored] OFF plz! spliff.gif

  • CTW Members

how about i tell u 2 [censored] off moo! flipa.giftongue.gifbumshake.gif

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u can but i wont listen flipa.gif

  • CTW DJs
CreamyC said:

raverbaby69 said:



sadly rhi ull find most of them anti-hardcore but who cares!!!!!!! ive got another hardcore nutter on here now! heartbeat.gifheartbeat.gif



Not quite.


Nice to have two raver babys on here.


How orgional.




i think its cute heartbeat.gif







btw - i'm laurence and i'm into techno (nething from funky, housey, hard, acid, etc) and hard house (ther harder, darker techy side and nu nrg rather then the [censored] that hard trance dj's play) and sumtimes sumthin slower more creative (breakbeat/house/prog/whatever)


dont mind hardcore, but happy hard core is a little too much 2 listen to 4 too long. not really heard much of the darker stuff since the older stuff helix & techno dread etc used to do

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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ur rite it is cute! heartbeat.gif me n emma r hardcore raver babies baby.gif and are recruiting more! hehehe!

i dnt know exactly wot kind ov hardcore i like - all of it i guess! i know wot u mean about happy hardcore though. but it stil putz a smile on ma face!

i've never really listened to much hardhouse n stuff like dat. i guess i shud do really

hardcore raver baby rhi!

Im goin 2 hell - and you're comin with me!!!

  • CTW DJs

u probably wont like hardhouse, but theres sum great techno djs out there that have been known to mix @ stupid beat rates


techno is 1 of the few genres that till sound respectable totally pitched up - some techno tunes i cant work out what speed the platter is ment to be spinning @ laugh.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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hey baby rabit!

yey! we have anutha raver baby now! hehehe baby.gif

Of course im cumin 2buy ur gear wit u - after u told me ur planz how cud i possibly not!!

love ur baby rabit too! xxxxx

p.s. - spliff.gif i agree!!

hardcore raver baby rhi!

Im goin 2 hell - and you're comin with me!!!

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wel if i ever come accross any iyl have a good listen. my mates dragged me in2 tha drum n bass arena @ slammin vinyl and i thort dat was ok. bit depressin tho. emma (hu persuaded me 2go 2d rave in d st place) duznt like it tho n i like most stuff she duz u c.

hardcore raver baby rhi!

Im goin 2 hell - and you're comin with me!!!

  • CTW Members
raver_baby said:

hello nice ppl, i am a "new persun"

like lots of you i like ravin so im sure we will get along just fine!!

my name is rhi n im a raver not a fuckin drug addict!!

im from preston and am a hardcore raver baby wit my bestest ravin mate emma who told me i shud join dis site. infact its her fault i like hardcore so much! stil - do u c me complainin!!

so yeh, im in2 hardcore LOADS but like other stuff 2. most stuff infact.

im a hardcore raver baby!!! baby.gif

hope to speak to lots of people soon

rhi. xxx

p.s. r u hardcore??


Welcome. I like hardcore. But no-one believes me, so I suffer.

  • CTW DJs

doesnt like dnb or techno?


i thought she said to me the other day she does like it, not her fav music, but she dont mind the harder stuff confused.gif


might have dreampt it tho (god now i sound like i'm sleep stalking her) icon_smile_blush.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

  • CTW Members

Hello welcome to the site wavey.gif


I grew up on hardcore, thats all my brother ever use to listen too. Really like hardhouse and hardtrance but definitely up for a hardcore nite for a bit of variation thumbs.gif


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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