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interesting, that one.


went to the train station to get a taxi and get some money out, find that the entire cash machine network is down so can't get ANY money out. NICE.


there's three pikey birds waiting there (actually they were alright i guess, it's just they were a tad butters), get into a conversation with them -- as you do -- then turns out they can give me a lift half-way to my house because one of them's husband (she's only 20, but also has a baby, that's where the pikey assumption comes from) is coming out to pick her up because she can't get no cash for a taxi either.


et voila, get a lift as far as i can, then stick the walkman on and walk the rest of it in the pitch dark with tunes on full blast (about 1hr walk), arriving home just as it's starting to get light.


it was actually a [censored] quality night and worth the train fare when i look back on it. agree? or disagree?


the photos i got are quality, btw, but i dunno if you want me to send them to James or not... laugh.gif



oh yeah btw GLAZBY 4 PRIME MINISTER. i think he thinks i'm proper weird now. LOL

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eeek i guess u were lucky with the butters pikey gang. Turned out good rather than [censored]! U can never trust ppl....ion the dark wink.gif


I was well worried in case sumthing might of happened walking about at that time of morning!


Re: piccies - send them all to james...it was a fun packed night and the piccies prove it! Will just go to show that alot of ppl missed out on a good night!


Yes - Glazby for Prime Minister - he laffed his pants off when he seen that haha I wouldnt think he thinks yr wierd tho - altho i wthink he thinks i am. Everytime i asked him sumthing he said "pardon?" obviously im welsh and he didnt understand me and i even went to the point of saying "yr my idol but im not yr stalker" LMFAO!


well good night.


Btw, can u stick that funky house tune on cd for me when u get a chance?



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i worry about walking about wakefield at any time of day, it's still the only town that i feel totally self-conscious in, especially when i'm the one with combats and hoody and everyone else is sherman+shoes. hmmmmm....


LOL at the stalker point. i think i did make myself look stupid because i said to him when he was sat down with you and sarah "i'm not a complete freak, by the way, i know jill from edinburgh" to which he did respond, but opening a sentence with "i'm not a complete freak" isn't really the best way to go about things.


will try and get the Room 5 tune on CD when i get back to edinburgh today. PM me your addr.







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haaaaaaaaaaahahahahahha oh my god!


so funny - altho i look a bit worse for wear! Was a wikid night tho! "Glazby for Prime Minister" hahah so funny yet so true! wink.gif


Will Pm u my addy in a mo!


Just got into work - how butters!



  • CTW Promotors
TomD said:

you must be joking. anybody who feels the need to cover half their face in a pair of sunglasses must have a considerable facial problem.


Its bad enough you look like Signum. Dont push it.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW Members

what, because sometimes i wear glasses? very original, fuckwit. try harder. actually, i won't hold my breath; considering your close proximity to london, i didn't think you'd be able to come up with anything even remotely creative.

  • CTW Promotors
TomD said:

what, because sometimes i wear glasses? very original, fuckwit. try harder. actually, i won't hold my breath; considering your close proximity to london, i didn't think you'd be able to come up with anything even remotely creative.


Nope. Nothing to do with your glasses. Your face.


And if you want some [censored] comeback then go for Maria or DJSG whatever she wants to be called.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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