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go to the sunny's website!

Sunny's will not be running weekly nights anymore!!!


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Dear Members,



It is with much sadness that we must inform you that Sundissential Residential will not be continuing due to venue problems. However, it’s not all doom and gloom!!!

As you may be aware the company Springwood Leisure that owned and managed both Zanzibar and Pulse 2 went into receivership a while ago. On Saturday afternoon the decision was made by the receivers to shut the venue until a buyer is found - as a result of this leaving Sundissential Residential homeless. We will be looking for a new home, one that is suitable, but until one becomes available or Zanzibar is bought, we will not be opening our weekly Saturdays.


We must however stress that Sundissential @ The Works is 100% ON! This will be our main Sundissential event in Birmingham! The next being only 1 week away - Bank holiday Sunday, April 11th!! CLICK HERE TO BOOK NOW!!!


This will be our biggest and boldest gig to date, featuring 18 DJ's, 3 Arenas, 100K of Nexo Sound System, Lasers, entertainments, pyrotechnics, bouncy castle & boxing arena and 2500 of you, our members!!! Not forgetting the Works itself - MTV's number 1 club in the UK!


The Works, by all accounts, so far have been amongst the best events in Sundissential’s history and continue to get stronger and better each time, these will set the standard for our national arena events.


Sundissential will also proudly be presenting Bouncissential featuring Cyberssential @ The Sanctuary Nightclub, Digbeth on May 8th. After the unfortunate events at Pulse 2 which hampered our previous Bouncissential event we have taken the bold step of using the venue which is synonymous with bouncy hard house – The Sanctuary. This will be one of only 4 special events to take place @ The Sanctuary this year!!! The First event will take place on Saturday May 8th 10PM – 6AM featuring the Kings and Queens of Bounce!!!


Thank you for your continued support, see you all at The Works!






Danny, Louise, Helen, Dave & SJ


  • CTW Members

Already been posted somewhere I think but I think its a good thing in the long run anyway.

Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

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whoops, I'm a bit of a dumbass ent i!?!

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only joking huggles.gif


















  • CTW Members

Sundis can now concentrate on the almost monthly events @ The Works, which have all been great, and the four one-off specials this year @ The Sanctuary... Sundissential weekly on Saturdays saw a huge decline during the last part of 2003, then started building up again @ Pulse II, but had a huge knock in numbers when they were forced down to one room at Pulse. At least with The Works and The Sanctuary they can do the name, the club and the clubbers justice.

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

Other CTWers verdict of Bukey

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Still wont be the same will it.

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Sundissential tried to start up weekly saturdays at north in Leeds a coupld of years ago, and they stopped too.


I think it's better when it concentrates on longer monthly and one of events that are more special





  • CTW Members

Sunnys is dying a slow, painful and torturous death.

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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