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  • CTW DJs

didnt really wanna give up smoking, but yesterday found the kind of reason i need to (not health related tho)


been eating more healthy stuff


no cigs since 9am... well pleased with myself cos i been really wanting one..got in from work cleaned the house and got rid of the ashtrays had a nice healthy dinner


10 pm got pissed off cos of some other [censored] and bought some cigs..

just had one ... felt sick

these things are evil and could end up killing me....


what the [censored] am i doing... i gave up doing heroin easier than this... i feel as guilty now as when i was when i was kidding myself about giving up that [censored] (before i actually did give it up)...


this is gonna be so much harder and i really dont know if i can do it....


depressed frown.gif



  • CTW Members

Having never smoked i can't really understand what ist like giving up, but i know from friends that have tried that it is hard.


How about trying patches or there are lozenges you can try supposed to taste bad but could work.



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  • CTW DJs

i tried patches ages ago but they made me feel sick



its the change in habits thats the prob... not the actual nicoteen addiction

  • CTW Members

Removing the ash trays from the house is a good idea.


I suppose you have to take it a day at a time, if you have one less cigarette tomorrow than you would usually then thats a step forward, set yourself small attainable targets that way you might not feel so bad & will see that you have achieved some thing positve.


Smoking is smelly thumbsdown.gif

Good Luck

  • CTW Members

quitting just like that is really hard if not impossible... What i did, to cut down (am still on my way to quitting completely) was a bunch of stuff. I'll risk sounding either patronising or like a women's magazine advice column (or both), but it helped for me:


1. Make a list of reasons why you want to quit and put it up somewhere you can see it


2. Think about when you most want a cigarette (like is it just after you^ve eaten, or when you're stressed or just cuz you're bored)


3. Take the number of cigarettes you smoke normally and halve it, and "plan" when you're allowed to smoke them. Like for me, i desperately feel like one just after i eat, so i'll allow myself those, but i won't allow myself the ones i might normally have when i'm just lazing around in my room and have nothing better to do than light up


Hope some of this helps... good luck with it. I know what you mean about feeling disgusted with it though, its basically a really silly habit, but one that^s oh so hard to stop... especially when you don't want to

  • CTW Members
modular1 said:

its the change in habits thats the prob... not the actual nicoteen addiction


Thats the hardest bit cry.gif

Act like an adult . . . Be false !
MSN >>> NeoNwomB@hotmail.com

  • CTW Members
rachel said:

I suppose you have to take it a day at a time,



Exactly! Don't hit yourself over the head because you had a bad day or two .. just take each day as a new start ..... you'll get there hopefully ..



  • CTW Moderators
modular1 said:

didnt really wanna give up smoking, but yesterday found the kind of reason i need to (not health related tho)


been eating more healthy stuff


no cigs since 9am... well pleased with myself cos i been really wanting one..got in from work cleaned the house and got rid of the ashtrays had a nice healthy dinner


10 pm got pissed off cos of some other [censored] and bought some cigs..

just had one ... felt sick

these things are evil and could end up killing me....


what the [censored] am i doing... i gave up doing heroin easier than this... i feel as guilty now as when i was when i was kidding myself about giving up that [censored] (before i actually did give it up)...


this is gonna be so much harder and i really dont know if i can do it....


depressed frown.gif



Iv had a convo with you regarding this on msn.


Smoking is a filthy habbit and it is a killer yo quit. Epecially when u aint got the will power. Sum ppl can do it and some ppl cant. I gave up over the weekend and was well proud of myself. Due to feeling a bit ill i didnt feel like one. Soon i got back to work on Tuesday i started again.


Another reason its hard to give up deends on how many u smoke a day, and you smoke the same amount as me a day. I hate this habbit. Didnt used to but now it starting to get me down also. The feeling of being unfit, coughing at times and just generally feeling well unhealthy is not nice at all. Iv tried numerous times to give up but i never seem to succeed and being that my mum is a smoker and that all my collegues on my team in work are smnokers, doesnt really help much at all. For my age im a heavy smoker and im also putting myself under threat due to the type of contraceptove pill im on, i can get DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) but being that smoking is an addivtion to cant fight off withouth the will power, it doesnt seem to stop me.


I told you mate, go to see your GP and tell him/her that you want to pack the habbit in. That is what they are there for. I know u said that u had patches and that they made u feel sick but thats depending on what strength of patches u put yrself on. The doctors know what they are doing in situations liek this and they can help u pack it in. Im off up the docs next week for help and advise and hopefully get sumthing from them coz i wana give it up more than i ever have. It wont do me, or you any good in the long run. Im 22 years old and i smoke 20 a day. Easily. And if i carry on smoking the way i do at such a young age, then it most deffinatly weill be the ciggarettes that finish me off. And i dont want that.


Take my tip and go to the doctors. That is wjhat they are there for and if you follow the docs advise youl be on the path of giving them up and feeling alot better i nyourself. Il get u some advise when i see mine if you dont see yours in the meantime.


smile.gif xx

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Another suggestion, work out how much you spend a day on cigarettes, then draw up a diary. If you say spend £3 on fags, if you don't smoke for 5 days, you can treat yourself to something worth £15. If you build you incentives up, so in a couple of months, if you go 20 days without a fag, you will have £60 to treat yourself with.


Just gives you that extra little incentive.

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Blink said:

Another suggestion, work out how much you spend a day on cigarettes, then draw up a diary. If you say spend £3 on fags, if you don't smoke for 5 days, you can treat yourself to something worth £15. If you build you incentives up, so in a couple of months, if you go 20 days without a fag, you will have £60 to treat yourself with.


Just gives you that extra little incentive.


That's easily said that done wink.gif

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  • CTW DJs
Blink said:

you can treat yourself to something worth £15.



60 embassy no.1 banghead.gif

  • CTW Members

Well done to modular1 & Maria... You've already both made a huge step - identifying that you *are* going to stop. Look at the positives, and I'm sure it will help....


I've never smoked, but loads of people around me do. I've seen many want to give up, attempt to, and fail. I've seen others succeed. Although never in the situation myself, I know it's prolly one of the most difficult things to do. But I really respect you, and just wanted to say well done and good luck.

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

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