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When cruising wiv your tunes playin loudly, is it just me, or does anyone find it hard not to get really into the music and dance.....just a l'il bit. Then find that you havn't been lookin at the road for ages and nearly crash? [Confused]


OOPS!!!!! [Happy]


Likes it HARD!!!!


  • CTW DJs

I've been known to tap the dash now and again


In my old car - u couldn't hear yourself think - v.loud!

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Glad I'm not the only one then.......I can get some pretty wierd looks at times!! [Well Happy]


Likes it HARD!!!!


  • CTW DJs

Yup = i've excelled myself today, Bill & Ted and Sinita's "So Macho"



  • CTW Members

I don't drive either but on the way to GK global I was dancing through the sun roof, was going well until the queue started moving and I fell off......................... [bang Head]

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Originally posted by Tara:

I don't drive either but on the way to GK global I was dancing through the sun roof, was going well until the queue started moving and I fell off.........................
[bang Head]

Oops! [Laugh]


Likes it HARD!!!!


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