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** fill in your answers [Happy] **


--[20 Years Ago.. ]--

+- I was elected for baby princess, some cutsie kid competition my damned mother put me in!! I won. The shame!!

+- I had afro type hair which was strange. I grew out of that stage!

+- My little pony rawked my world =o)


--[15 Years Ago.. ]--

+- I Had a crush on Mark Evans [Kiss]

+- I could do the crab position! Yay!

+- Won the best fancy dress competition - My Mother dressed me up as a chicken [Roll Eyes]


--[10 Years Ago..]--

+- I didnt know what a Blow Job was ;x

+- I had my very first perm! *cringes*

+- I Liked Take That... Mark Owen especially =D


--[5 years Ago.. ]--

+- I was 18

+- I Wore skirts up to my arse! [Laugh]

+- I Lost my virginity


--[1 Year Ago.. ]--

+- I Did something a lot of people would judge me by

+- I Made a lot of friends

+- I Lost a good one


--[Today, I.. ]--

+- Will Kill the Spider!

+- Am watching Saturday morning Cartoons!

+- Gonna watch Cruel Intentions on C4 =o)


--[Tomorrow, I.. ]--

+- Will still think boys suck [Roll Eyes]

+- Will be pennyless!!

+- Will meet the guy of my dreams [HeartBeat]

*laughs sarcastically* [Wink]

  • CTW Members

20 Years ago

- I was .. um ... still dribbling in a pram ..i think


15 Years ago

- I had a crush on Steffi Graf the tennis player [Razz] I was only 7! Come on! Im over it now [Well Happy]


10 Years ago

- I was having the best summer of my life with the best friends i ever had ... Shame good things come to an end.


5 Years ago

- I was ... a complete fuckwit. Dont wanna go there [Razz]


1 Year ago

- Mixed year. Some good times and some bad times. I discovered clubbing and got my decks tho! Altho i didnt do enough [bang Head]



- Got stomach ache from the fry up i just had. Looking at my Creamfields ticket and worrying about sorting the train out [Razz]



- Probably still worrying about the train i need to sort out... in the middle of moaning cos its Monday and the day is dragging .. or somethin [Razz]

  • CTW Members

--[20 Years Ago.. ]--


I was just coming up on my last year in junior school, and I don't really have any other memories [Confused]


--[15 Years Ago.. ]--


I was being a good boy at school, getting good grades, discovering Heavy Metal [blush] And completely failing to understand women and to come to terms with the fact that I wasn't the most handsome guy at school [Confused]


--[10 Years Ago..]--


I was just coming up on my final year at Uni!!! And being a complete pain in the arse to my friends after ending a 2 year relationship and realising that I wanted her back [bang Head]


--[5 years Ago.. ]--


I was finally declared recovered enough from my car accident to be declared fit for work [Freaked Out] (It took 2 years, and it was during that time I discovered Lab 4, amphetamine, nu-nrg, hard trance and that I had a burning desire to form an industrial band. [Cool] )


--[1 Year Ago.. ]--


I was just meeting my (now ex) latest girlfriend & was living with my best friend whilst we persued our dream of becoming a succesful industrial band and went out and partied WAY too hard [Well Happy]


--[Today, I.. ]--


Will go home and get some sleep!!


--[Tomorrow, I.. ]--


Will order my usher's outfit for my best-friends wedding

Will start saving for the last bits of equipment the band need.

Tell my best-friend I Love Her (I try to do this everyday, to make sure she knows) [Well Happy]




This message was written whilst listening to Lab 4 - The Witch


(There must be many people out there who hate Lab 4, and get fed up with people going on about them, but TOUGH)

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