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Right, so sorry bout the delay, had a lot on!!


* Get half a metre of fur from a fabric shop (the half metre bein the length of the boots) then decide how loose u want the boots to be (dont worry bout them falling down cos will be putting in elastic to have them as tight as you want) Cut the fur at the point ud chosen (i think i do ine at the 18 inches mark) then u should have 2kinda rectangular shaped pieces of fur!!


* Fold them in half length ways to make a kind of tube (with the fur facing inwards - ie inside out) then sew up the length or it leavin about 3/4 of an inch to the end of the fabric and also about 6-8 inches at the bottom, as shown on pic this is for it to be able to go over your trainers!!




* Turn the top of the "boot" over about an inch and a half and sew around it,leaving a gap where u have sewn lengthways to put the elastic in!!




* Get some half inch/inch wide elastic and attatch a large safety pin to it and thread it thru the hem u have made at the top, then when its threaded thru determine how tight u need it to be and sew it (id say double/triple sew it to make sure its secure) and cut off the spare bits




* the bit u left open to thread the elastic thru can now be either sewn up or left open, (i have left mine open so that if the elastic ever needs replacing it is easier - it really doesnt matter if u do sew it up or not tho) And there you should have ur furry boots [Well Happy]




Hope this has been of some help and if u need any help or explainin with that then just let me know!! [Well Happy]


[ 18 August 2002, 14:16: Message edited by: Claire DC ]

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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And if you cant see the pics then go to my site where they are uploaded, they are in order goin down that i put them on here!! [Well Happy]



You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Thankyou Claire!!!!


Next time I attempt to make some fluffy boots, I'll be able to follow ur instructions and I'll have an easier time of it I think!


[Well Happy]

  • CTW Members

Just make sure you do one in red and one in yellow ! As if you need to know why ! [Happy]


Here's a hint :





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Cheers, I'll get goin on this ASAP. I hope it works and doesn't go wrong! [PeteTong]

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