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i got my deposit back from uni today. it was for my room in halls last year. i got £99.64 for the £100.....36p worth of damage!!!

[Well Happy][Razz][Well Happy]

dreaming of paradise

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How jealous am I?!!!


They kept all my deposit and I owe them another £21.50.......gutted!!! [bang Head]


Likes it HARD!!!!


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Thats not fair, wat halls wereU in? I was at Scrappy and only got back £30 somethin quid! [Confused]


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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the classy kenneth holmes! sounds so posh but i dont think it could get any worse so thats prob why i got my money bk!!! :-)


You were so far away from uni!!!!!

dreaming of paradise

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I know, half an hour bus in2 Uni everyday, [Confused] or at least the days I decided2 turn up [Laugh] this is why I nearly failed my 1st yr! My house is a lot close which is why I've actually passed my 2nd yr


Wat were ya halls like?


[ 19 August 2002, 15:13: Message edited by: Pepsi ]


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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despite throwing a beer keg down the stairs and having a bottle fight in the kitchen, I still got my deposit back from my first year.


Still waiting on the second year - the ket stained mirrors might count against me this time....

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Originally posted by Pepsi:

I know, half an hour bus in2 Uni everyday, :

hehehe.....despite being a third year, and therefore ineligible for on-campus accomadation, I've still managed to blag a house roughly 2mins walk from my lecture halls.

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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Still waiting on the second year - the ket stained mirrors might count against me this time....

[Laugh] lol


stained mirrors, always a problem


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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my halls were up the road from a prison, and across the road from a young persons prison type thing. ... think that says it all [paranoid]

the train station was just around the corner tho so not far to run to get out of leicester! [paranoid]

dreaming of paradise

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What uni do ya all go to??? [Happy]


Likes it HARD!!!!


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LOL, what did you do j, spill some toothpaste or summit ! [Happy]

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my halls were up the road from a prison, and across the road from a young persons prison type thing. ... think that says it all

the train station was just around the corner tho so not far to run to get out of leicester!

I know which onesU mean now, my m8 disco dan used to live in those halls but that was the year b4 U I think.



What uni do ya all go to???

I go2 De Montfort Uni in Leicester


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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Originally posted by TidyTraxGrant:

LOL, what did you do j, spill some toothpaste or summit !

lol i think they kept that to pay for the postage for sending my money back.

dreaming of paradise

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