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I've never done that before!!!


wonider if I'll get the winning bid in???!!


very excited about it all!!!



  • CTW DJs

Post the link so we can all go and outbid you......it's not a PDT-6000 by any chance is it?

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Members

Hi m8,


i bid on e bay all the time, usually 2nd hand old skool records for my collection, its a top site

though you do aff to pay through the roof for some

choons, best advise if your desperate to win the bid is to bid a weird figure


eg 8.69 if the item is in the £8 price range or

£15.69 if its in the 15 nicker range etc etc...


this is because you get people making late bids in the last minute and if you throw in a 69 pence it usually wins as people generally bid round figures like £10 and £10.50


Good luck


Steve [Happy]

  • CTW Members


Originally posted by djshaggy:

Hi m8,


i bid on e bay all the time, usually 2nd hand old skool records for my collection, its a top site

though you do aff to pay through the roof for some

choons, best advise if your desperate to win the bid is to bid a weird figure


eg 8.69 if the item is in the £8 price range or

£15.69 if its in the 15 nicker range etc etc...


this is because you get people making late bids in the last minute and if you throw in a 69 pence it usually wins as people generally bid round figures like £10 and £10.50


Good luck



Cant think why the figure 69 come to my mind !! [Well Happy]

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Just make sure whoever your seller is has a good positive rating, you can tell by the number by the sellers username and can read his \ her feedback.

Dont do what i did a while back, go for a sale privately and get done outta £130.

Fuckin theivin dickshites on there so be v. careful.

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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Originally posted by wub_wub:

Post the link so we can all go and outbid you......it's not a PDT-6000 by any chance is it?

nope, its a digital camera.... but now you've said that - I'm off for a look!!!



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