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My boyfriend brought me a teddybear that has the same dopey smile as him. He brought it wen I went away2 Uni so I could cuddle that in bed whilst we are apart. [blush][blush]


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

  • CTW Members




[Laugh] well he can have his moments even if most the time he's a hypocritical annoying argghh! [Angry]


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

  • CTW Members

oh man i have loads, but they sit on my shelf as they will fall off my bed. Most of them bought by my g'f.


Although i just sent her a little Tigger teddy yesterday. Ain't it nice to send gifts to love ones? [LoveFace][LoveFace]

  • CTW Members


Originally posted by Bunnykins230:

I've got shaun the sheep hot water bottle - he goes to bed wiv me every nite

I got all my ol cuddlie too dotted about - never ever got rid of any!!

I got a life size cuddly husky (actually bigger than life size coz he's bigger than my real one!)

and loads of little huskies

I have a shaun too!!!!!

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Hung up my teddies when I got by first bra wink.gif.

I am NOT a dj

  • CTW Members

I've got 3! only one stays in bed with me though!! I've got 1 bear called fred, a hot water bottle, thats a st.benard dog called Cojo and a big duck called quacks!! smile.gif


I love em to bits! (i'm sad, yea I know blush.gifwink.gif )

Tonight Matthew, I am going to be. A chicken.

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